Sore Spots: 5 Ways to Ease Post-Workout Muscles

Sore Spots: 5 Ways to Ease Post-Workout Muscles

If yesterday’s workout is making your muscles scream today, take it as a good sign. You most likely have “delayed onset muscle soreness” (DOMS), and it means you worked hard enough to create tiny tears in your muscle fibers. It can happen when you bump up your workout intensity, frequency, or length, or when you … Read more

Blood Test Spots Rare Inherited Diseases

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Nov. 8, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Whole genome sequencing of blood samples improves detection of rare genetic conditions called mitochondrial disorders, British researchers report. These disorders are inherited and affect about 1 in 4,300 people, causing progressive, incurable diseases. Though they are among the most common inherited disorders, mitochondrial disorders … Read more

New Vaccinations Increasing in COVID Hot Spots

July 29, 2021 — States struggling with alarming COVID-19 outbreaks are now vaccinating people at very high rates, an analysis of CDC data shows. The increases in vaccinations are occurring in southern and central states that have low vaccination rates, namely Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri, according to an analysis of the data by Bloomberg. … Read more

Colleges and Universities: The New COVID Hot Spots

The New York Times: “Tracking Covid at U.S. Colleges and Universities.” Time: “College Professors Made Models Showing How Bad COVID-19 Would Be on Campus. Some Administrators Ignored Them.” ABC News: “Colleges forced to reckon with rising COVID-19 cases.” NPR: “Despite Mass Testing, University Of Illinois Sees Coronavirus Cases Rise.” University of Illinois: “Increased … Read more