Prof Sarah Gilbert, Covid vaccine creator: Now let’s take on 12 more diseases

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The old-school method of developing vaccines means you must go back to the raw materials and start from scratch for every vaccine you make. It is like starting with a bench of flour, sugar, eggs and butter. The next step is to take the offending virus, or other disease-causing microbes, and either kill it or … Read more

Why It’s Hard to Diagnose Crohn’s: Mimic Diseases and Tests

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At 9, Natalie Rosenthal started having terrible stomach pains, fatigue, and diarrhea. She had dark circles under her eyes. She stopped growing taller or gaining weight. “I had spasms whenever I ate anything,” says Rosenthal, now an adult. “The pediatrician at first told my mom that I had a nervous stomach.” Meds to calm muscle spasms … Read more

Migraines and Other Diseases Dogs May Detect

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Beagles are famous for being especially loyal and attentive companions. Stacey Hardman’s beagles Snoopy and Daisy are no exceptions. They keep a close watch at the window. Any unfamiliar animal, noise, or sudden movement outside sets off “loud, energetic, and dramatic” barking, Hardman says.  Hardman has realized over the years that Snoopy and Daisy also … Read more

Non-communicable diseases top cause of death in India; AI, Big Data can help in prevention: Apollo Hospitals – ET HealthWorld

non communicable diseases top cause of death in india ai big data can help in prevention apollo hospitals

New Delhi: The contribution of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as the top causes of death in India has risen to a staggering 64.9 per cent as compared to communicable diseases, maternal and other causes that dropped to 25 per cent, Apollo Hospitals Group said on Wednesday. The healthcare major also unveiled a report on the ‘Health … Read more

Takeda launches mobile app for management of genetic diseases – ET HealthWorld

takeda launches mobile app for management of genetic diseases

New Delhi, February 26, 2021: Biopharmaceutical company Takeda India, (part of the Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited) on Friday launched an application for the management of patients with rare lysosomal storage disorders. The application named ‘XPERT EASE‘ is developed for the exclusive use of healthcare professionals to address awareness-related challenges and enable an efficient digital ecosystem … Read more

Beyond COVID-19: Can mRNA Treat Diseases, Too?

Secondly, the FDA has yet to greenlight any of these treatments. What’s more, some early trials of mRNA therapies have suffered major stumbling blocks on the road to market approval. In January, CureVac reported disappointing results in a clinical trial of its new mRNA-based drug for prostate cancer. The company’s CV9014 drug did … Read more

Govt issues guidelines for co-infections of coronavirus with dengue, flu, other seasonal diseases

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As India continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, the government has issued guidelines on prevention and treatment of co-infections of Covid-19 with other seasonal epidemic-prone diseases like dengue, malaria, seasonal influenza, and chikungunya, observed every year during this time. The government has also said that the co-infections can not only present as a diagnostic dilemma … Read more