As demand for Mysore silk soars, KSIC finds it hard to keep up despite increased production

As demand for Mysore silk soars, KSIC finds it hard to keep up despite increased production

Mysore Silk saris have always been a favourite among women for their unique sheen and texture, but of late, due to extensive publicity for the GI-tagged pure silk product on social media and other factors, sales have skyrocketed, leading to a shortfall in supply. According to data provided by Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation Limited (KSIC), … Read more

Women in politics juggle hard to strike work-life balance

Women in politics juggle hard to strike work-life balance

TDP candidate for Allagadda Assembly segment, Bhuma Akhilapriya plays with her toddler, ahead of addressing a media conference at her camp office in Nandyal. | Photo Credit: A.D. Rangarajan The omnipresent challenge for working women —striking a healthy work-life balance—finds no special resistance in the field of politics in the country. The challenge becomes only … Read more

District Congress Committee presidents insist that ‘regulars’ be overlooked in favour of hard workers for the Lok Sabha tickets

District Congress Committee presidents insist that ‘regulars’ be overlooked in favour of hard workers for the Lok Sabha tickets

The District Congress Committee presidents in Tamil Nadu Congress Committee, who met with the TNCC president K.S. Alagiri to discuss preparations in the lead-up to the Lok Sabha elections in 2024, have reportedly pushed the State leadership to distribute Lok Sabha tickets to ‘new faces’ instead of those from ‘well-known Congress families’ here in Chennai … Read more

Tired After a Long Day of Thinking Hard? Here’s Why

Tired After a Long Day of Thinking Hard? Here’s Why

Sept. 16, 2022 – You’ve been doing deep focus work all day. Now you’re mentally fried. Wiped out. Exhausted. But you’re trying to wrap up a project. Should you power through? New science has the answer: No, you should not. In a Current Biology study, French researchers found that doing mentally hard tasks for more … Read more

FDA to Take a Hard Look at Its Food, Tobacco Programs

FDA to Take a Hard Look at Its Food, Tobacco Programs

By Cara Murez and Robin Foster HealthDay ReportersHealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, July 21, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will begin a comprehensive review of its food and tobacco programs amid a high-profile infant formula shortage and recent rulings on e-cigarettes. FDA Commissioner Robert Califf first announced the review on Tuesday, then … Read more