Tired After a Long Day of Thinking Hard? Here’s Why

Tired After a Long Day of Thinking Hard? Here’s Why

Sept. 16, 2022 – You’ve been doing deep focus work all day. Now you’re mentally fried. Wiped out. Exhausted. But you’re trying to wrap up a project. Should you power through? New science has the answer: No, you should not. In a Current Biology study, French researchers found that doing mentally hard tasks for more … Read more

During Sleep, the Brain Is Wide Awake, Learning

During Sleep, the Brain Is Wide Awake, Learning

July 27, 2022 – Feeling forgetful? Struggling to match names to faces lately? It doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t well or that your thinking skills are fading. You may simply not be getting enough sleep. Researchers have long known that sleep is vital to relational memory, the ability of the brain to make connections between … Read more

Just One Extra Drink a Day May Change the Brain

Just One Extra Drink a Day May Change the Brain

March 10, 2021 — It’s no secret that heavy drinking is linked to potential health problems, from liver damage to a higher risk of cancer. But most people probably wouldn’t think a nightcap every evening is much of a health threat. Now, new evidence suggests even one drink a day is linked to detectable changes … Read more

Earliest Childhood Memories Can Go Back Even Further

Aug. 2, 2021 — Most people probably have more early childhood memories than they are fully aware of, and retrieving those early experiences is easier to prompt than previously thought, according to Carole Peterson, MD, of Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s, Canada. Most people have more memories from their preschool years than … Read more

Brain Exercises: Can They Help Older Adults?

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SOURCES: Susanne Jaeggi, PhD, associate professor of education, University of California, Irvine. Benjamin Katz, PhD, assistant professor of human development, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. ClinicalTrials.gov: “ACTIVE: Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE).” JAMA: “Effects of Cognitive Training Interventions With Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of the American Geriatrics … Read more

Prediabetes May Harm Your Brain

By Ernie Mundell and Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporters WEDNESDAY, Feb. 17, 2021 (HealthDay News) — “Prediabetes” — where blood sugar levels are high but not yet tipped over into full-blown diabetes — may pose a threat to brain health, new British research suggests. “As an observational study, it cannot prove higher blood sugar … Read more