Summer headaches and migraines | The Financial Express

Summer headaches and migraines | The Financial Express

By Dr. Sahil Kohli As the temperatures during the summer soar in the Delhi NCR region so are the patients’ complaints of headaches and Migraine exacerbations. Summer heat can be a contributor to both headaches and migraines. The milder form of summer headache may include a throbbing sensation in the head, fatigue, sensitivity to light … Read more

Switch to Plant-Based Diet Rid Man of Chronic Migraines

Switch to Plant-Based Diet Rid Man of Chronic Migraines

By Robert Preidt and Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporters THURSDAY, Nov. 19, 2021 (HealthDay News) – People who live with chronic migraines suffer intense throbbing and pulsing, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting. Could a plant-based diet, credited with a variety of positive health impacts, also help ease these chronic symptoms? It might. Researchers … Read more

What Helps With My Migraines May Backfire for You

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By Puja Aggarwal, MD, as told to Kara Mayer Robinson As a board-certified neurologist who treats migraines — and someone who gets migraine headaches regularly — I feel your pain. About 2-3 times a month, I get a full-blown migraine at the back of my head. It also comes with photophobia, or light sensitivity, and … Read more

What Helps With My Migraines May Backfire for You

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By Puja Aggarwal, MD, as told to Kara Mayer Robinson As a board-certified neurologist who treats migraines — and someone who gets migraine headaches regularly — I feel your pain. About 2-3 times a month, I get a full-blown migraine at the back of my head. It also comes with photophobia, or light sensitivity, and … Read more

Migraines and Other Diseases Dogs May Detect

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Beagles are famous for being especially loyal and attentive companions. Stacey Hardman’s beagles Snoopy and Daisy are no exceptions. They keep a close watch at the window. Any unfamiliar animal, noise, or sudden movement outside sets off “loud, energetic, and dramatic” barking, Hardman says.  Hardman has realized over the years that Snoopy and Daisy also … Read more

Migraine-Friendly Foods That Are Safe for Your Cat, Too

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When you have a migraine, you probably just want to lie down. These moments of rest and recharge may involve your best cat-friend curled up by your side for comfort. The food you eat may play a role in how often you get migraines and how painful they are. Turns out, foods that are helpful … Read more

Should You Go Gluten-Free For Your Migraines?

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If you’re among the 1 billion people on the planet who have migraines, you’ve probably tried almost everything to feel better. You avoid known triggers like chocolate, MSG, red wine, citrus fruit, and aged cheese. You might even have cut out gluten, a protein mainly found in wheat, barley, and rye. But does skipping sourdough … Read more

Hairstyles That Could Trigger Migraines

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A bad hair day can be such a headache. But if you’re among the 1 in 4 American women who have migraines, your hair can actually be a real headache. Everything from the shampoo you use to the way you cut your hair could trigger a migraine. We asked Steve Waldman, a 30-year hair industry … Read more

Do Your Sleep Habits Trigger Migraines?

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Living with migraines can be a vicious cycle of stress, pain, and poor sleep. That’s not good, since lack of shuteye can make you up to eight times more likely to have one of these headaches. The good news is that you can find ways to get better rest — and keep the pain at … Read more