Weird Migraine Triggers, Symptoms, and Types

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When you think of migraines, head pain probably comes to mind. But a migraine can feel like weakness, dizziness, or a stomachache, too. Migraine can affect different parts of your nervous system — and it can show up in some surprising ways and from some unusual triggers. Most migraine headaches typically fall into one of … Read more

Weird Migraine Triggers, Symptoms, and Types

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When you think of migraines, head pain probably comes to mind. But a migraine can feel like weakness, dizziness, or a stomachache, too. Migraine can affect different parts of your nervous system — and it can show up in some surprising ways and from some unusual triggers. Most migraine headaches typically fall into one of … Read more

Do Your Sleep Habits Trigger Migraines?

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Living with migraines can be a vicious cycle of stress, pain, and poor sleep. That’s not good, since lack of shuteye can make you up to eight times more likely to have one of these headaches. The good news is that you can find ways to get better rest — and keep the pain at … Read more