AI may predict diseases in humans: Research – ET HealthWorld

AI may predict diseases in humans: Research – ET HealthWorld

Washington: Every human being has a genome which is complex. It is equivalent to three billion letters of code, with multiple variations within each person. It is perhaps not humanly possible to sit and analyze all that code. However, according to a research published in the journal named “Nature Machine Intelligence”, Artificial Intelligence has the … Read more

IIT-Patna scholars developing virtual doctor for early diagnosis of diseases – ET HealthWorld

IIT-Patna scholars developing virtual doctor for early diagnosis of diseases – ET HealthWorld

Patna: In a novel and path-breaking initiative, IIT Patna is busy developing a ‘virtual doctor’ to assist medical practitioners and facilitate early diagnosis of the disease. The ‘virtual doctor’ when fully developed, will serve as a disease diagnostic assistant (diagnosis chatbot), conducting a thorough symptom investigation and preparing a diagnostic report for doctors. Besides, it … Read more

AI for screening of multiple retinal and optic nerve diseases – ET HealthWorld

AI for screening of multiple retinal and optic nerve diseases – ET HealthWorld

By Dr S Natarajan Artificial intelligence refers to software that appears intelligent. An AI algorithm is used to detect multiple optic diseases using deep learning. This AI system is intended to help general physicians and non-ophthalmic healthcare providers who need an accurate and immediate assessment of their diseases. The article introduces existing AI methods, the … Read more

Smart Toilets: Next Tool Against Diseases (Including COVID)

Smart Toilets: Next Tool Against Diseases (Including COVID)

April 27, 2022 – Every day, vital information about your health is flushed down the toilet – literally. Bowel movements contain a veritable treasure trove of biomarkers that can uncover a wide array of conditions, from things you lack in your diet to deadly diseases, including COVID-19. “Assessing fecal matter can help doctors detect certain … Read more

‘A piece of cake may cure Parkinson’s away’: New study found promising effects of Vanilla on rat model with brain disorder

‘A piece of cake may cure Parkinson’s away’: New study found promising effects of Vanilla on rat model with brain disorder

People suffering from Parkinson’s disease and their families face a wide array of hardships and challenges. A recent study conducted by Neha Sharma (M. Pharm.) Assistant Professor and Dr. Navneet Khurana (M.Pharm., Ph.D.), Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lovely Professional University may open new doors to the treatment and eventual cure of this neurodegenerative disease. … Read more

Can Artificial Intelligence prevent movement of infectious diseases? – ET HealthWorld

Can Artificial Intelligence prevent movement of infectious diseases? – ET HealthWorld

By Dr Jaideep Jesson Rayapud New Delhi : In March 2020, after SARS CoV-2 was identified in Wuhan, China, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. Since then, millions of deaths have been recorded worldwide and an increasing number of cases have been confirmed. The pandemic affected lives drastically, tested healthcare … Read more

New Genetic Test Finds Hidden Neurological Diseases

New Genetic Test Finds Hidden Neurological Diseases

March 17, 2022 — Diseases that affect the nervous system can be some of the most difficult conditions for doctors to diagnose. Many conditions can cause similar symptoms, but two people with the same condition could have different symptoms, which can make the cause of the symptoms hard to pinpoint. Delays in diagnosing the condition … Read more

Blood Test Spots Rare Inherited Diseases

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Nov. 8, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Whole genome sequencing of blood samples improves detection of rare genetic conditions called mitochondrial disorders, British researchers report. These disorders are inherited and affect about 1 in 4,300 people, causing progressive, incurable diseases. Though they are among the most common inherited disorders, mitochondrial disorders … Read more