AI’s healthcare solutions: From diagnosis to supplying meds – ET HealthWorld

AI’s healthcare solutions: From diagnosis to supplying meds – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: A small farmer from a remote village walks into the nearest town’s health clinic. He breathes into a tube connected to a Vionix analyser. This device compares the farmer’s breath with hundreds of millions of other samples from around the world. An AI model, running on the cloud, identifies patterns of disease manifestations … Read more

Smart Toilets: Next Tool Against Diseases (Including COVID)

Smart Toilets: Next Tool Against Diseases (Including COVID)

April 27, 2022 – Every day, vital information about your health is flushed down the toilet – literally. Bowel movements contain a veritable treasure trove of biomarkers that can uncover a wide array of conditions, from things you lack in your diet to deadly diseases, including COVID-19. “Assessing fecal matter can help doctors detect certain … Read more