Chinese State Media Signal Beijing’s Disdain for ‘Dirty and Unfair’ TikTok Deal


HONG KONG—Chinese state media took turns denouncing a White House-approved plan to turn TikTok into a U.S.-based company, casting more doubt over the fate of the Chinese-owned short-video app that needs nods from both Beijing and Washington to avoid a ban in the U.S. Over the weekend, TikTok appeared to narrowly avoid having to shut … Read more

WSJ News Exclusive | Auditors to Stop Inspecting Factories in China’s Xinjiang Despite Forced-Labor Concerns


HONG KONG—At least five organizations say they won’t help companies audit their supply chains in China’s Xinjiang region, where human-rights activists say a police-state atmosphere and government controls make it too difficult to determine whether factories and farms are relying on forced labor. China’s increasingly repressive tactics in the northwestern region, where large numbers of … Read more

China Has Reasons to Like TikTok’s Trump-Approved Shotgun Deal


A White House-approved plan to transform TikTok into a U.S.-based company would keep the operation of the viral short-video app, and likely the algorithm that has powered its rise, in Chinese hands. This structure improves the deal’s chances of finding favor in Beijing, which had threatened to veto a sale. President Trump said Saturday he … Read more

Russia Strikes Deals to Sell Its Coronavirus Vaccine Internationally


Russia has struck preliminary agreements to sell its Covid-19 vaccine to more than 10 countries in Asia, South America and the Middle East, a development that could give Moscow valuable economic and political leverage internationally. Russian officials say they have secured preliminary deals for the vaccine to be delivered to countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and … Read more

Islamic State, Defeated U.S. Foe, Still Brims With Cash, Ambition


Islamic State remains flush with cash despite setbacks in the past year, holding financial reserves and a range of revenue streams that U.S. and Western security officials warn could pay for a dangerous resurgence. The extremist organization and its affiliates have assets ranging into the hundreds of millions of dollars across the Middle East and … Read more

White House Concerns Grow Over Emerging TikTok Deal With Oracle


WASHINGTON—President Trump has told advisers he is uncomfortable with a pending deal for Oracle Corp. to become TikTok’s U.S. technology partner, according to people familiar with conversations, in another sign that the proposed tie-up isn’t yet a done deal. Mr. Trump’s private concerns were echoed publicly on Thursday by White House chief of staff Mark … Read more

Developing Countries Push to Limit Patent Protections for Covid-19 Vaccines


A group of developing countries, backed by United Nations agencies and activist groups, is pushing to limit patent protections for Covid-19 vaccines being tested by some of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies so that inexpensive copies can be produced for poorer nations. South Africa, Ghana, Senegal, Pakistan and others argue they won’t be able to … Read more

Japan’s Next Leader to Be Thrust Into Clash Over China


TOKYO—Yoshiyuki Kasai, longtime boss of Japan’s biggest bullet-train line, says he thinks Tokyo’s alliance with the U.S. comes first and China needs to hear that message. If Beijing doesn’t like it, he says, tough luck. Hiroaki Nakanishi, head of Japan’s most powerful business federation, says he thinks that attitude is self-defeating. After all its work … Read more

Daily U.S. Coronavirus Cases Drop Slightly; India’s Count Surges


The U.S. added 41,471 cases of the new coronavirus on Saturday, a decline from a day earlier, while India reported its fourth straight day with more than 90,000 cases. The new U.S. cases are significantly higher than the daily tallies reported earlier in the week and bring the country’s infection total to about 6.49 million, … Read more

At Least 50 Gold Miners Die in East Congo, Adding to String of Deadly Accidents


At least 50 miners died after flooding at an unregulated gold mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a local official said, adding to the deadly tally of recent accidents at illegal and small-scale mines around the developing world. The mainly young victims were working at a large, unregulated mine in the east of the country Friday … Read more