‘Self-Boosting’ Vaccines Could Be Immunizations of the Future

‘Self-Boosting’ Vaccines Could Be Immunizations of the Future

Aug. 4, 2022 – Most vaccines don’t come as one-shot deals. You need a series of boosters to step up your immunity to COVID-19, tetanus, and other infectious threats over time. That can mean multiple visits with a health care provider, costing you time and sometimes money. But what if you could receive just one … Read more

Covid-19 Vaccine Deployment Would Give Global Economy a Lift Next Year


Gaining a vaccine to help contain the novel coronavirus would provide a big boost to the global economy in 2021, but the initial geographic distribution of that benefit will likely depend on which vaccine candidate works first. Public health officials around the world increasingly believe at least one of the vaccines now in the later … Read more

Russia Strikes Deals to Sell Its Coronavirus Vaccine Internationally


Russia has struck preliminary agreements to sell its Covid-19 vaccine to more than 10 countries in Asia, South America and the Middle East, a development that could give Moscow valuable economic and political leverage internationally. Russian officials say they have secured preliminary deals for the vaccine to be delivered to countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and … Read more

Developing Countries Push to Limit Patent Protections for Covid-19 Vaccines


A group of developing countries, backed by United Nations agencies and activist groups, is pushing to limit patent protections for Covid-19 vaccines being tested by some of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies so that inexpensive copies can be produced for poorer nations. South Africa, Ghana, Senegal, Pakistan and others argue they won’t be able to … Read more

CDC Chief Predicts Covid-19 Vaccine May Not Be Generally Available Until Next Summer


A top Trump administration health official predicted that a Covid-19 vaccine may not be available to the general public until next summer as the daily number of new coronavirus cases in the U.S. climbed to roughly 40,000. The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, said he believes a vaccine … Read more

Coronavirus Deals Setback to Global Vaccination Programs, Gates Report Finds


The Covid-19 pandemic has driven nearly 37 million people into extreme poverty and reversed two decades of progress in vaccinating children against once-common childhood diseases, according to a new report by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The number of people living in extreme poverty globally has risen 7.1% so far this year in the … Read more

Daily U.S. Coronavirus Cases Drop Slightly; India’s Count Surges


The U.S. added 41,471 cases of the new coronavirus on Saturday, a decline from a day earlier, while India reported its fourth straight day with more than 90,000 cases. The new U.S. cases are significantly higher than the daily tallies reported earlier in the week and bring the country’s infection total to about 6.49 million, … Read more

China Injects Hundreds of Thousands With Experimental Covid-19 Vaccines


A Chinese pharmaceutical company has injected hundreds of thousands of people with experimental Covid-19 vaccines, as its Western counterparts warn against administering mass vaccinations before rigorous scientific studies are complete. China National Biotec Group Co., a subsidiary of state-owned Sinopharm, has given two experimental vaccine candidates to hundreds of thousands of people under an emergency-use … Read more

Inside Russia’s Race to Develop a Covid-19 Vaccine Before the West


MOSCOW—In April, as Covid-19 cases surged across Russia, President Vladimir Putin called a meeting of the country’s top scientists and health officials over video link to deliver an urgent directive: Do whatever you need to create a national vaccine as soon as possible. Four weeks later, Alexander Gintsburg, director of the state-run Gamaleya Institute for … Read more

In Race to Secure Covid-19 Vaccines, World’s Poorest Countries Lag Behind


Developing nations are at risk of being left far short of the Covid-19 vaccine supplies they need as richer countries secure billions of doses even before the drugs pass final clinical trials, according to health experts. The U.S., the European Union, Japan and the U.K. have agreed to purchase at least 3.7 billion doses from … Read more