WSJ News Exclusive | Auditors to Stop Inspecting Factories in China’s Xinjiang Despite Forced-Labor Concerns


HONG KONG—At least five organizations say they won’t help companies audit their supply chains in China’s Xinjiang region, where human-rights activists say a police-state atmosphere and government controls make it too difficult to determine whether factories and farms are relying on forced labor. China’s increasingly repressive tactics in the northwestern region, where large numbers of … Read more

China Has Reasons to Like TikTok’s Trump-Approved Shotgun Deal


A White House-approved plan to transform TikTok into a U.S.-based company would keep the operation of the viral short-video app, and likely the algorithm that has powered its rise, in Chinese hands. This structure improves the deal’s chances of finding favor in Beijing, which had threatened to veto a sale. President Trump said Saturday he … Read more

China Injects Hundreds of Thousands With Experimental Covid-19 Vaccines


A Chinese pharmaceutical company has injected hundreds of thousands of people with experimental Covid-19 vaccines, as its Western counterparts warn against administering mass vaccinations before rigorous scientific studies are complete. China National Biotec Group Co., a subsidiary of state-owned Sinopharm, has given two experimental vaccine candidates to hundreds of thousands of people under an emergency-use … Read more

Facebook, Under Pressure in India, Bans Politician for Hate Speech


NEW DELHI— Facebook Inc. FB -4.18% banned a member of India’s ruling party for violating its policies against hate speech, amid a growing political storm over its handling of extremist content on its platform. The removal of the politician, T. Raja Singh, is an about-face for the company and one that will be politically tricky … Read more

WSJ News Exclusive | Chinese Covid-19 Vaccine Maker in Talks With Countries on Early Approval


A Chinese pharmaceutical maker is in talks with several countries to get emergency approval to use an experimental Covid-19 vaccine, developed with the Chinese military, before the completion of large-scale safety and effectiveness trials, according to a senior executive at the company. Early distribution by CanSino Biologics Inc. would give the company a head start … Read more

WSJ News Exclusive | China’s National-Security Law Reaches Into Harvard, Princeton Classrooms


The effect of the new national-security law that China imposed on Hong Kong is extending far beyond the territory to American college campuses. Classes at some elite universities will carry a warning label this fall: This course may cover material considered politically sensitive by China. And schools are weighing measures to try to shield students … Read more

U.S. Executives Who Left China Amid Pandemic Are Stuck Abroad—and May Never Return


SHANGHAI—Thousands of China-based U.S. and other foreign business executives remain stranded outside the country due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions, leading some to give up hope of returning and posing operational challenges for their companies. The travel disruption due to public-health concerns matters not just for business but also for geopolitics, U.S. business leaders say. With … Read more