In India, you don’t see oil, big mineral-type things, you see a mix of humanity… if we could unleash this human potential, it’s incredible, says Bill Gates

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Usually, when you have a near-term crisis, your focus on problems that are further out is greatly reduced…Fortunately, with this pandemic, it’s not the same. Anant Goenka: Let me start with a book I read on your recommendation: Factfulness. Its central thesis is that facts show how the world is actually doing much better than … Read more

The pandemic is a world war in terms of scales because countries have seen their economies devastated: Bill Gates

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Gates says there is huge potential for online learning and improving education after the pandemic. Bill Gates, chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and co-founder of Microsoft, says that it will be somewhere between two to five years from now before the world goes back to where it was in terms of the … Read more

Coronavirus Deals Setback to Global Vaccination Programs, Gates Report Finds


The Covid-19 pandemic has driven nearly 37 million people into extreme poverty and reversed two decades of progress in vaccinating children against once-common childhood diseases, according to a new report by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The number of people living in extreme poverty globally has risen 7.1% so far this year in the … Read more