AI-based app for cancer care clicks with patients – ET HealthWorld

AI-based app for cancer care clicks with patients – ET HealthWorld

Compliance with pain medicines between mobile-app based and conventional prescription groups NEW DELHI: A smart phone app — UPPCHAR, an AI-based health education system, developed by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for supportive care for advanced cancer patients on medication adherence — has shown good results in effectively enhancing medication compliance among patients. … Read more

AI-integrated medical technology advancements reshaping diagnostic procedures, patient care – ET HealthWorld

AI-integrated medical technology advancements reshaping diagnostic procedures, patient care – ET HealthWorld

London: Advancements in medical technology, particularly the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), are reshaping diagnostic procedures and patient care. With the burgeoning market for AI-driven diagnostics expected to surpass $908.7 billion in 2030, innovative AI-powered diagnosis apps signify a transformative shift in healthcare delivery. These technologies promise real-time insights, personalised treatment plans, and cost-effective solutions, … Read more

How AI health care chatbots learn from the questions of an Indian women’s organization – ET HealthWorld

How AI health care chatbots learn from the questions of an Indian women’s organization – ET HealthWorld

New York: Komal Vilas Thatkare says she doesn’t have anyone to ask about her most private health questions. “There are only men in my home – no ladies,” said the 32-year-old mother and housewife in Mumbai. “I don’t speak to anyone here. So I used this app as it helps me in my personal problems.” … Read more

Patient care hit by disrepair in NHS buildings

Patient care hit by disrepair in NHS buildings

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said large parts of its sites dated “as far back as Victorian times”, while Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust said it was “delivering 21st century healthcare in 20th century buildings”. It faces a £2m annual bill to maintain the tower at Wycombe Hospital, which contains its intensive care unit and operating … Read more

Transforming Healthcare: The Power of AI in Revolutionizing Patient Care and ResearchAI’s Integration into Healthcare: A Game-Changer – ET HealthWorld

Transforming Healthcare: The Power of AI in Revolutionizing Patient Care and ResearchAI’s Integration into Healthcare: A Game-Changer – ET HealthWorld

By Sanjeev R. Padasalgi Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare has transformed the patient care landscape. This article explores the current state of AI implementation, including its challenges and benefits, and how AI revolutionises patient care by examining AI applications in diagnostics, treatment planning, and data analytics. Tailoring Patient Care with Personalised Medicine Traditionally, treatments … Read more

Endowments Department should take care of all Ram temples in Andhra Pradesh: Swami Srinivasananda

Endowments Department should take care of all Ram temples in Andhra Pradesh: Swami Srinivasananda

Andhra Pradesh Sadhu Parishad State President Swami Srinivasananda has requested the State government to maintain Ram temples across the State. File AP Sadhu Parishad’s State President Swami Srinivasananda asked officials to protect temple lands to make temples financially ‘self-reliant’ SRIKAKULAM: Andhra Pradesh Sadhu Parishad’s State President Swami Srinivasananda on January 20 urged both the Endowments … Read more

Bariatric tourism care costs NHS more than actual surgery – study

Bariatric tourism care costs NHS more than actual surgery – study

“A broader question, though, is more a public policy question. For example, if an NHS hospital deems a patient not suitable for bariatric surgery and they then go abroad to have that surgery, and then have, effectively a predictable complication… is the NHS obligated from a public policy perspective to effectively incentivise that behaviour, by … Read more

Robotic surgery in cancer care to become reality in state – ET HealthWorld

Robotic surgery in cancer care to become reality in state – ET HealthWorld

Thiruvananthapuram: For the first time in state, robotic surgery for cancer treatment is going to be a reality, that too in the government sector, at Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), Thiruvananthapuram. At present robotic surgery for cancer treatment is available only in large-scale hospitals in the nation and in foreign countries. Chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan will … Read more