AI-integrated medical technology advancements reshaping diagnostic procedures, patient care – ET HealthWorld

AI-integrated medical technology advancements reshaping diagnostic procedures, patient care – ET HealthWorld

London: Advancements in medical technology, particularly the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), are reshaping diagnostic procedures and patient care. With the burgeoning market for AI-driven diagnostics expected to surpass $908.7 billion in 2030, innovative AI-powered diagnosis apps signify a transformative shift in healthcare delivery. These technologies promise real-time insights, personalised treatment plans, and cost-effective solutions, … Read more

Robotic Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction: Advancements and Outcomes – ET HealthWorld

Robotic Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction: Advancements and Outcomes – ET HealthWorld

Dr Karan Sehgal In the area of breast cancer treatment, technological advancements continue to reshape the landscape, offering new hope and improved outcomes for patients. Robotic mastectomy and breast reconstruction represent a revolutionary frontier in breast cancer surgery, combining precision, minimally invasive techniques, and enhanced aesthetic results. This article explores the recent strides in this … Read more

AI and Male Infertility: Advancements in Sperm Analysis and Diagnosis – ET HealthWorld

AI and Male Infertility: Advancements in Sperm Analysis and Diagnosis – ET HealthWorld

By Dr Nidhi Jha Male infertility is a widespread issue that affects millions of couples worldwide. While infertility can have various causes, male factors contribute to approximately 40per cent of cases. In recent years, the field of reproductive medicine has witnessed remarkable advancements, thanks in part to artificial intelligence (AI) and its application in sperm … Read more

Advancements in AI are strongly influencing patient care and experience: Sandra Forero, COO, ZS – ET HealthWorld

Advancements in AI are strongly influencing patient care and experience: Sandra Forero, COO, ZS – ET HealthWorld

Shahid Akhter, editor, ETHealthworld, spoke to Sandra Forero, Chief Operating Officer, ZS, to learn more about the advances in digitilization of patient care and how AI is influencing the healthcare ecosystem. AI impacting the pharma industryArtificial intelligence has had a very big impact on the pharma industry in the last few years. It started out … Read more

Light-Up ‘Skin-Like’ Plastic Is the Next Step for Wearables

Light-Up ‘Skin-Like’ Plastic Is the Next Step for Wearables

March 30, 2022 — Imagine a tiny, stretchable, glowing Band-Aid on your finger or arm, and you are picturing the latest wearable technology advance from researchers at Stanford University. Professors in the school of engineering there have created a new type of polymer, or synthetic plastic material, that can light up. They used it to … Read more

Many Patients, Doctors Unaware of Advancements in Cancer Care

Sept. 27, 2021 –Sept. 29, 2021 — Many patients with cancer, as well as doctors in fields other than oncology, are unware of just how much progress has been made in recent years in the treatment of cancer, particularly with immunotherapy. This is the main finding from two studies presented at the recent European … Read more