Transforming Healthcare: The Power of AI in Revolutionizing Patient Care and ResearchAI’s Integration into Healthcare: A Game-Changer – ET HealthWorld

Transforming Healthcare: The Power of AI in Revolutionizing Patient Care and ResearchAI’s Integration into Healthcare: A Game-Changer – ET HealthWorld

By Sanjeev R. Padasalgi Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare has transformed the patient care landscape. This article explores the current state of AI implementation, including its challenges and benefits, and how AI revolutionises patient care by examining AI applications in diagnostics, treatment planning, and data analytics. Tailoring Patient Care with Personalised Medicine Traditionally, treatments … Read more

How IoT is becoming a gamechanger for Healthcare Sector – ET HealthWorld

How IoT is becoming a gamechanger for Healthcare Sector – ET HealthWorld

By Pritika Singh Traditionally, the mode of communication between a patient and a doctor has been physical visits or, at times, via telephone. However, with the advent of technology and digitisation, various communication modes like video consultations and automatic data collection have become possible, making interactions smooth and seamless. One such technology is the Internet … Read more

A potential game-changer in health diagnostics and more – ET HealthWorld

A potential game-changer in health diagnostics and more – ET HealthWorld

By Ramit Sawhney For a little over a decade now, the value delivered by artificial intelligence (AI) in medical diagnosis has been growing steadily by making its role felt in areas that have for long been severe challenges for healthcare professionals. Big killers like tuberculosis, cancer and, more recently, Covid are being tackled with the … Read more

How a Single Finger Snap Became a Scientific Game-Changer

How a Single Finger Snap Became a Scientific Game-Changer

Feb. 24, 2022 — Raghav Acharya, a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, was watching Avengers: Infinity War a few years back when he had a thought: How was supervillain Thanos able to snap his fingers while wearing a metal gauntlet? Acharya, an undergraduate studying chemical engineering, took that question to assistant … Read more

Pig heart transplant a game-changer, say surgeons

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Surgeons at the University of Maryland in the US have successfully completed the world’s first pig to human heart transplant. Muhammad Mohiuddin, who co-founded the university’s xenotransplantation programme, said that the heart is beating very well and beyond expectations. David Bennett, 57, who received the pig heart in a seven-hour experimental operation, had been deemed … Read more

Covid-19 game-changer tech: Blow into tube and get test result in a minute


The technology requires an individual to blow into a tube that will have chemicals to detect SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes Covid-19. The result of the Covid-19 using this technology would be known in 30 to 50 seconds – that is, in less than a minute.  File image for representation: Reuters A new technology is on … Read more