Ashworth raising hospital and care home test levels


Labour’s shadow health secretary has said the government must use “the time wisely” if there is any second coronavirus lockdown. Jonathan Ashworth asked the Health Secretary Matt Hancock why he had given advice to hospital trusts “placing restrictions on the numbers of test they can carry out”. And he said some care homes have had … Read more

Care homes in England warned of rise in infections

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Image copyright Getty Images The government has written to care home providers in England to warn them of a rise in new coronavirus infections within the sector. A letter from the Department of Health urged care bosses to “take the necessary action to prevent and limit outbreaks”. Cases were mainly among staff but risked spreading … Read more

Blood Pressure Meds Can Affect COVID-19 Care

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Overall, having a history of high blood pressure increased a person’s risk of kidney injury about fivefold, the Italian study found. A third study digging deeper into this phenomenon found that common blood pressure meds were associated with an increased risk of death among COVID-19 patients. The researchers tracked 172 people hospitalized for … Read more

Charity seeks review of care home visit guidance

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Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Face-to-face visits are vitally important for dementia patients A dementia charity is seeking a judicial review of the government guidance on care home visits. John’s Campaign says many care homes in England are still refusing regular face-to-face visits, often essential for people with severe dementia. Dr Angela McIntyre, a … Read more

Care homes fear closures as insurance costs soar

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Image caption Representatives for the sector say insurance costs are “astronomical” Care home owners whose insurance premiums have soared this year have called for government protection from being sued over coronavirus deaths. Care England warned the situation was an “an absolutely enormous threat” to the future of the sector. Owners said they feared they could … Read more

Care home residents to be allowed more visitors

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Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Infection control measures need to be in place for visits to be allowed Visiting rules at care homes are to be relaxed from Monday, the Scottish government has announced. Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said up to three outdoor visitors from two households would be allowed. Infection control measures, including … Read more