Chennai’s Biskit Studio launches a new collection at its VR and AR-enabled virtual store

Chennai’s Biskit Studio launches a new collection at its VR and AR-enabled virtual store

Snapshots of the newly launched VR and AR-enabled digital store It is Saturday night and a party is underway at Chennai’s Biskit studio. Millennials groove to house music as they peruse a wide range of abstract, futuristic fashion. Here, the age-old concept of shopping is redefined. In one corner someone is desperately pinching the air … Read more

Technology can help make healthcare far more accessible – ET HealthWorld

Technology can help make healthcare far more accessible – ET HealthWorld

You can try to develop an AI chatbot or mobile app that uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to provide instant medical advice and assistance, helping users make informed healthcare decisions. by Venky Ananth Both complex and vast in scope, healthcare has its share of challenges and bottlenecks that impact quality and accessibility … Read more

At The Edge Of A Revolution- Healthcare Is Going Virtual – ET HealthWorld

At The Edge Of A Revolution- Healthcare Is Going Virtual – ET HealthWorld

By Dr Arun Gupta Healthcare, for decades, has been dependent on physical interactions between the patient and the healthcare providers. From visiting the nearest clinic, getting medicines from the pharmacy or even getting blood drawn for tests, patients have had to physically travel to access any medical assistance. This, however, changed with the introduction of … Read more

GE Healthcare launches 5G Innovation Lab in India – ET HealthWorld

GE Healthcare launches 5G Innovation Lab in India – ET HealthWorld

Bengaluru: GE Healthcare announced the launch of its 5G Innovation Lab in India, the first for GE Healthcare across the globe. With the advantage of massive bandwidth, high data speeds, low latency, and highly reliable connectivity, 5G has the potential to disrupt the patient care continuum, transforming diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis. The 5G Innovation Lab … Read more

Technology Day: Top tech trends that will turn the tables in 2022

Technology Day: Top tech trends that will turn the tables in 2022

By Vinod Jeyachandran, A truism of technology is that it’s always changing. And in the post-pandemic world, tech seems to be evolving faster than ever before. Innovations that once seemed unimaginable have become commonplace and more are on the way. To prove the point, here’s a look at seven key tech trends to watch for … Read more

Metaverse in Healthcare: The Future is Now – ET HealthWorld

Metaverse in Healthcare: The Future is Now – ET HealthWorld

by Samar Kagalwalla In June 2020, neurosurgeons at Johns Hopkins performed the institution’s first augmented reality operations on living patients. The doctors used six screws to fuse three vertebrae in a patient’s spine to cure persistent back pain, using headsets by Israeli firm Augmedics. The latter uses a see-through eye display that projects images of … Read more

Virtual Reality Fitness? ‘Yeah, It’s a Workout’

Virtual Reality Fitness? ‘Yeah, It’s a Workout’

Oculus started primarily for gaming, she says, but with an eye on social connection, productivity, and more. “The rapid growth and popularity of the fitness use case proves that point,” Peace says. “It shows that VR as a technology is developing into what we predicted it will be: the next computing … Read more

Role of virtual reality in healthcare and life science research

virtual realty

Digital reality is a hypernym for augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality and a gamut of other associated technologies. By Amit Chopra,  Our current world is amid a fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, which encompasses the Internet of Things (IOT), additive manufacturing, digital reality, big data, artificial intelligence (ML, DL, robotics), hybrid … Read more

Denmark trial uses virtual reality game to boost Covid vaccinations – ET HealthWorld

denmark trial uses virtual reality game to boost covid vaccinations

Denmark researchers are using virtual reality to encourage more Covid-19 vaccinations, through a game of maneuvering through a virus-infected crowd in a city square. In an experiment by the University of Copenhagen, participants were made to wear goggles to play an elderly person crossing the square while avoiding red-clothed bypassers infected with Covid-19. Vaccinated characters … Read more

The Role of Augmented Reality in Medicine

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You’ve heard of virtual reality, but how about augmented reality? The name might sound unfamiliar, but chances are you may have used it and not realized it. You may have even played a game that’s built on it. A popular example is Pokémon Go, a smartphone app that lets you go around your neighborhood or … Read more