Sudan military leader accuses rival of ‘attempted coup’ as vicious fighting grips capital | CNN

Sudan military leader accuses rival of ‘attempted coup’ as vicious fighting grips capital | CNN

CNN  —  Sudan’s military leader condemned what he called an “attempted coup” after a day of intense fighting left close to 100 people dead in the country and saw hospitals coming under attack from missiles as they battled to save lives. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who is involved in a bloody tussle for power that has … Read more

Europe’s migration policies in chaos as arrivals surge | CNN

Europe’s migration policies in chaos as arrivals surge | CNN

CNN  —  As a boat carrying 400 migrants drifted, out of fuel, along a perilous migration route in the central Mediterranean last week, Italian authorities led a major rescue operation following the reported refusal of Maltese authorities to retrieve those on board. Passengers’ desperate pleas for aid went unheeded for nearly a week before they … Read more

China appears to simulate first aircraft carrier strike on Taiwan | CNN

China appears to simulate first aircraft carrier strike on Taiwan | CNN

CNN  —  For the first time, the Chinese navy appears to have simulated strikes by aircraft carrier-based warplanes on Taiwan, as drills around the island wrapped up on their third day. Beijing launched the drills on Saturday, a day after Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen returned from a 10-day visit to Central America and the United … Read more

The giant Antonov An-225 plane was destroyed in Russia’s invasion. But Ukraine says it will fly again | CNN

The giant Antonov An-225 plane was destroyed in Russia’s invasion. But Ukraine says it will fly again | CNN

Hostomel, Ukraine CNN  —  The sheared nose cone of the Antonov An-225 cargo plane towers over Yevhen Bashynsky. Affectionately known as the Mriya, or “Dream,” the leviathan plane was the pride of Ukraine and of 38-year-old Bashynsky, one of its pilots. This is the first time Bashynsky has come back to see what remains of … Read more

Amsterdam Schiphol Airport proposes a ban on private jets | CNN

Amsterdam Schiphol Airport proposes a ban on private jets | CNN

Editor’s Note: Sign up for Unlocking the World, CNN Travel’s weekly newsletter. Get the latest news in aviation, food and drink, where to stay and other travel developments. CNN  —  High flyers hoping to hop to the Netherlands in a private jet might be forced to rethink their travel plans, as Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport is … Read more

Two flight attendants file lawsuit, claim they were assaulted by former Lebanese PM Saad Hariri | CNN

Two flight attendants file lawsuit, claim they were assaulted by former Lebanese PM Saad Hariri | CNN

CNN  —  Two flight attendants claim they were sexually assaulted by then Prime Minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri aboard his private plane, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in New York. The complaint was filed in US District Court on March 20, against Saad El-Din Rafik Al-Hariri and five co-defendants. The plaintiffs, identified … Read more

Bolsonaro claims he won’t lead opposition as he returns to Brazil for first time since riots | CNN

Bolsonaro claims he won’t lead opposition as he returns to Brazil for first time since riots | CNN

Brasilia, Brazil CNN  —  Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday claimed he would no longer lead the country’s opposition as he boarded a flight home for the first time since his election defeat that culminated in thousands of his supporters rioting in protest at the result. Bolsonaro, who denies inciting violent attacks in the … Read more

At least 19 migrants die as boat sinks off Tunisia | CNN

At least 19 migrants die as boat sinks off Tunisia | CNN

At least 19 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa died when their boat sank off the coast of Tunisia as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to Italy, a human rights group said on Sunday. In the past four days, five migrant boats have sunk off the southern city of Sfax, leaving 67 missing and nine dead, … Read more

French airports, schools and oil refineries hit by national strike over pension age increase | CNN Business

French airports, schools and oil refineries hit by national strike over pension age increase | CNN Business

Paris CNN  —  French transport networks, oil refineries and schools were hit by widespread disruption Thursday as workers staged a national strike to protest an increase in the retirement age that was pushed through parliament without a vote. Though sporadic demonstrations had popped up in Paris and other cities after the French government forced the … Read more

Australia, the UK and US are joining forces in the Pacific, but will nuclear subs arrive quick enough to counter China? | CNN

Australia, the UK and US are joining forces in the Pacific, but will nuclear subs arrive quick enough to counter China? | CNN

Canberra, Australia CNN  —  More than a year after the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia dropped the tightly held news they were combining submarine forces, the trio released more details Monday of their ambitious plan to counter China’s rapid military expansion. Under the multi-decade AUKUS deal, the partners will build a combined fleet … Read more