Alleged Torture Victims Target U.S. Property Assets of Libyan Commander

Alleged Torture Victims Target U.S. Property Assets of Libyan Commander

Since the two decades he spent in the U.S. after leading a CIA-backed campaign against the regime of Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi in the 1980s, militia leader Khalifa Haftar amassed millions of dollars in properties and other assets, including a luxury home in Virginia. Now, as Mr. Haftar commands troops in eastern Libya and faces … Read more

Europe Aims to Emerge Smarter From Latest Lockdowns

Europe Aims to Emerge Smarter From Latest Lockdowns

One by one, governments across Europe are reintroducing strict new measures to tame a resurgent pandemic after concluding that light-touch strategies aimed at containing Covid-19 have failed to keep infections in check. Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, Austria and Belgium are all now back under pandemic-containment regimes similar to those imposed in the spring, with bars … Read more

Public-Health Experts Rethink Lockdowns as Covid Cases Surge

Public-Health Experts Rethink Lockdowns as Covid Cases Surge

As Covid-19 cases surge across large parts of Europe and the U.S., officials are reluctant to force another round of nationwide lockdowns of the sort imposed in March. But this time—unlike in the spring—public-health experts broadly and increasingly agree, with some worried that the general public won’t cooperate with another monthslong, generalized lockdown against a … Read more

Islamic State ‘Beatles’ Fighters Brought to U.S. to Face Charges

Islamic State ‘Beatles’ Fighters Brought to U.S. to Face Charges

Two British Islamic State fighters accused in the torture and killing of Western hostages were brought to the U.S. to face criminal charges in Virginia, U.S. authorities said Wednesday, after more than two years of legal limbo after their capture in Syria. The men, El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey, who had allegedly supervised Islamic … Read more

Honduran Migrant Caravan Disbands in Guatemala

Honduran Migrant Caravan Disbands in Guatemala

MEXICO CITY—A caravan of several thousand Honduran migrants that set out last week for the U.S. via Guatemala and Mexico had virtually disbanded by Monday after Guatemalan authorities turned many of them back and Mexico prepared to halt them at its border. “Fortunately the caravan from Honduras isn’t continuing,” Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador … Read more

Pope Francis Says Covid-19 Pandemic Shows Limits to Market Economics

Pope Francis Says Covid-19 Pandemic Shows Limits to Market Economics

ROME—Pope Francis offered his prescription for a host of ills plaguing societies around the world, including poverty, terrorism and racism, in a major document written in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic. “Fratelli tutti” (“Brothers, all”), released by the Vatican on Sunday, is only the third time Pope Francis has written an encyclical, one of … Read more

France’s Emmanuel Macron Targets ‘Islamic Separatism’ With Proposed Law

France’s Emmanuel Macron Targets ‘Islamic Separatism’ With Proposed Law

PARIS—French President Emmanuel Macron took aim at radical Islam Friday, announcing plans to outlaw what he called “Islamic separatism” in communities where he said religious laws are taking precedence over civil ones. Mr. Macron said the law, if passed, would empower authorities to shut down associations and schools that he said indoctrinate children, and monitor … Read more

New Migrant Caravan From Honduras Heads Toward U.S. Border

New Migrant Caravan From Honduras Heads Toward U.S. Border

MEXICO CITY—A group of about 3,000 Honduran migrants, including many women and children, overwhelmed soldiers and police and crossed into Guatemala on Thursday, heading toward the U.S. southern border to flee poverty and rising joblessness brought by the coronavirus pandemic. With the U.S. presidential election a little more than a month away, the new caravan … Read more

Venezuela’s Food Chain Is Breaking, and Millions Go Hungry

Venezuela’s Food Chain Is Breaking, and Millions Go Hungry

Ana Nuñez, a 62-year-old retired municipal worker in western Venezuela, says her meals often consist of just a few corn-flour pancakes, known as arepas. Even when she has money to buy groceries in the city of Maracaibo’s teeming flea market, she said that “instead of quality food they sell garbage, like animal hides and rotten … Read more

U.K., Canada Impose Sanctions on Belarusian President Lukashenko

U.K., Canada Impose Sanctions on Belarusian President Lukashenko

LONDON—The U.K. and Canada imposed sanctions on Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and senior figures in his government, a sign of widening discontent in the West over ongoing repression of peaceful protests against his purported victory in a disputed election. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab accused Mr. Lukashenko and his allies of multiple human-rights violations in … Read more