U.S. Charges Six Russian Intelligence Officers With Hacking


WASHINGTON—Federal prosecutors unsealed charges against six Russian intelligence officers accused of engaging in some of the most destructive cyberattacks of recent years, including operations that knocked out Ukraine’s energy grid, exposed emails from the French president’s party and damaged global systems in the costly 2017 NotPetya attack. The prolific hacking unit within Russia’s military intelligence … Read more

Bolivia Election: Evo Morales’s Party Won Presidential Vote, Runner-Up Concedes


A former Bolivian president, Carlos Mesa, on Monday conceded that Luis Arce, the handpicked candidate of former President Evo Morales, had won Sunday’s presidential election, which tested democracy in the resource-rich, landlocked country. Mr. Mesa said that quick counts carried out by polling firms—a highly probable counting of voting samples—showed his main opponent, Mr. Arce, … Read more

EU to Sanction Russia Over Poisoning and Belarus Leader Over Crackdown


The European Union agreed Monday to impose targeted sanctions against Russian officials and entities allegedly involved in the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny but officials insisted the move should not undercut Europe’s continued high-level contacts with President Vladimir Putin. Foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg backed a Franco-German proposal to impose a travel ban … Read more

Public-Health Experts Rethink Lockdowns as Covid Cases Surge


As Covid-19 cases surge across large parts of Europe and the U.S., officials are reluctant to force another round of nationwide lockdowns of the sort imposed in March. But this time—unlike in the spring—public-health experts broadly and increasingly agree, with some worried that the general public won’t cooperate with another monthslong, generalized lockdown against a … Read more

Covid-19 Cluster in China’s Qingdao Prompts City-Wide Testing


The coastal Chinese city of Qingdao will test its more than nine million residents for Covid-19, authorities said, after the discovery of a dozen new cases linked to a local hospital—the country’s most significant virus scare in several months. Local health officials said Monday that they discovered nine new coronavirus cases linked to the Qingdao … Read more

Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Is Awarded to U.S. Academics for Invention of New Auction Formats


U.S. academics Paul R. Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson shared the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for new insights into how auctions work, and how different auction designs can help buyers and sellers meet their goals. The announcement Monday gave the U.S. a clean sweep of this year’s Nobel Prizes, with at least one American … Read more

Turmoil Continues in Kyrgyzstan After Former Leader Arrested


MOSCOW—Political turmoil following a disputed election in the Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan continued over the weekend as parliament chose a prime minister who was recently freed from jail while security services detained the country’s ex-leader. The developments appear to strengthen the hand of President Sooronbai Jeenbekov in the short term, though he has said … Read more

Armenia, Azerbaijan Trade Accusations of Shelling Despite Truce


MOSCOW—Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other of intense shelling on Sunday, denting hopes that a Russia-brokered cease-fire announced the previous day will hold following two weeks of fierce clashes over the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan said that overnight shelling by Armenian forces on the city of Ganja had left several people dead and dozens … Read more

In Showing Off New ICBM, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Returns to Old Tactic


SEOUL—North Korea, even as it pursued denuclearization talks with the Trump administration, kept advancing its arsenal. Now the behind-the-scenes progress is in the public eye. At a military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the ruling Workers’ Party on Saturday, Pyongyang revealed a new intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who had … Read more

Yemen Peace Process Falters as Fighting Intensifies and Hunger Spreads


Fighting in Yemen has intensified in recent days, threatening to unspool a stalled peace process and deepen what aid groups call the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe. Clashes have escalated around the port city of Hodeidah, where the Saudi-backed government and Iran-supported Houthi rebels struck a cease-fire deal in late 2018 that was meant to pave … Read more