Israel and U.A.E. Get Down to Business


Investors in Israel and the United Arab Emirates are moving to strike deals in a business environment transformed by a diplomatic breakthrough between the two countries. Last week’s surprise move by the U.A.E. to normalize relations with Israel in a U.S.-backed shift paves the way for establishing direct flights, opening telecommunications links, exploring joint ventures … Read more

Former Pemex CEO’s Allegations Rock Mexico’s Political Class


MEXICO CITY—Millions of dollars obtained from foreign bribes during a presidential campaign. Bags of cash to lawmakers in exchange for approving a historic opening of Mexico’s oil industry. A former sitting president making deals with his favorite contractor to share the spoils of big government contracts. Those allegations by Emilio Lozoya, a disgraced former chief … Read more

Extended Montreal Dock Workers’ Walkout Rattles Canadian Supply Chains


TORONTO—A strike at Canada’s second-busiest port is showing few signs of progress deep into the second week of the walkout, as concerns rise about the damage an extended shutdown could do to the Canadian economy. The longshore workers’ union at the Port of Montreal has been agitating for better scheduling, arguing that workers who are … Read more

Possible F-35 Jet Sale to U.A.E. Puts Israel in Bind


TEL AVIV—Talks between the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates on a potential sale of advanced F-35 jets is raising thorny questions for Israel’s security in the Middle East. The U.A.E. has long sought the jet fighters, and the deal last week to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel was forged with an understanding that the … Read more

Islamist Attacks in Mozambique Threaten to Disrupt Total-Led Natural-Gas Project


Fighting between Islamic extremist rebels and Mozambique’s army over a key port is threatening to disrupt the East African nation’s burgeoning natural-gas developments, including a multibillion-dollar project led by French energy giant Total SA . The insurgent group, which is affiliated with Islamic State, seized control of the Mocimboa da Praia port this month and … Read more

WSJ News Exclusive | China’s National-Security Law Reaches Into Harvard, Princeton Classrooms


The effect of the new national-security law that China imposed on Hong Kong is extending far beyond the territory to American college campuses. Classes at some elite universities will carry a warning label this fall: This course may cover material considered politically sensitive by China. And schools are weighing measures to try to shield students … Read more

Belarus President Considers Power Share, On His Terms


MOSCOW—Belarus’s president, Alexander Lukashenko, facing growing nationwide protests, said he was ready to share power, but only on his own terms, as the main opposition leader said she was ready to lead the Eastern European country. Demonstrators took to the streets in cities and towns around Belarus for a ninth consecutive day Monday, while some … Read more

U.S. Executives Who Left China Amid Pandemic Are Stuck Abroad—and May Never Return


SHANGHAI—Thousands of China-based U.S. and other foreign business executives remain stranded outside the country due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions, leading some to give up hope of returning and posing operational challenges for their companies. The travel disruption due to public-health concerns matters not just for business but also for geopolitics, U.S. business leaders say. With … Read more