Delhi’s immediate peak over but we must maintain reasonable precautions: Anurag Agarwal


Director of CSIR’s Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology and INSACOG Anurag Agarwal speaks to Anubhuti Vishnoi on the Sars-Cov-2 variants. On variants in India The B.1. 617.2 the sub lineage of B.1. 617 is rising faster than B.1.617.1. In some parts of the country, the B.1.117 (Kent variant) is still dominant like in Punjab … Read more

Villagers want port project to be restarted in Trinamool turf Kulpi


Locals who have offered their land for a port project which was announced a decade ago are still waiting for the development of the riverine port. West Bengal’s Trinamool Congress government had revived the Kulpi Port project in 2019, where it said Dubai-based DP World would invest. The state government will also hold a stake … Read more

Higher Stroke Risk Among Younger Black Adults

By American Heart Association NewsHealthDay Reporter MONDAY, March 29, 2021 (American Heart Association News) — Black young adults are almost four times more likely than their white counterparts to have a stroke, according to new research. Yet regardless of race, the risk of having a stroke at a younger age increased as blood pressure rose. … Read more

For Rural Youth, Mental Health Care Tough to Find

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Nov. 4, 2020 (HealthDay News) — While young Americans’ mental health appears to be getting worse, the places where help is needed most appear to have the fewest resources. A new study published in JAMA Network Open found that rural areas of the United States … Read more

America’s COVID Pandemic Is Now Skewing Younger

THURSDAY, Sept. 24, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Young adults in their 20s now account for more cases of COVID-19 than any other age group, according to a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. From June through August, people in their 20s accounted for more than 20% of all COVID … Read more

Suicide Rate Keeps Rising Among Young Americans

“Having a five- to 10-minute chat or phone conversation in the moment when something is stressful can be just as valuable as spending an hour a month in therapy,” Singer said. In the new report, the researchers found that the suicide rate for adolescents and young adults more than doubled in New Hampshire between … Read more