Can You Breastfeed if You Have HIV?

Can You Breastfeed if You Have HIV?

Baby formula is recommended for moms living with HIV in the U.S. because of a slim chance that babies may contract HIV through breast milk. Women living with HIV who take antiretroviral therapy and have undetectable viral loads may give birth to HIV-free babies. They may see “breast is best” posters in their doctors’ offices … Read more

High Viral Load in Lungs Drives Fatal COVID-19

TUESDAY, Aug. 31, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A high amount of coronavirus in the lungs is a major contributor to death in COVID-19 patients, new research shows. The findings challenge previous theories that simultaneous infections such as pneumonia or an overreaction of the body’s immune system are significant factors in COVID-19 deaths, the researchers … Read more

Novel method to accurately, quickly detect COVID-19 from phone swabs – ET HealthWorld

novel method to accurately quickly detect covid 19 from phone swabs

Researchers have developed a non-invasive and low-cost method that can accurately and rapidly detect Covid-19 using samples taken from the screens of smartphones. The researchers from University College London (UCL) in the UK analysed swabs from mobile screens rather than directly from people using the method known as Phone Screen Testing (PoST). They found that … Read more

Study: New Mutation Sped Up Spread of Coronavirus

Nov. 13, 2020 — The virus that causes COVID-19 is not the same strain as what first emerged from China. A new study shows it has changed slightly in a way that makes it more contagious to humans. Compared to the original strain, people infected with the new strain — called 614G — have … Read more

First Confirmed U.S. Cases of COVID Reinfections

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Oct. 12, 2020 — A 25-year-old man from Nevada and a 42-year-old man in Virginia experienced second bouts of COVID-19 about 2 months after they tested positive the first time. Gene tests show both men had two slightly different strains of the virus, suggesting that they caught the infection twice. Researchers say these are … Read more

Symptoms or No, COVID Patients Have Same Viral Load

FRIDAY, Sept. 25, 2020 (HealthDay News) — People who have COVID-19 but no symptoms have the same amount of virus in their nose and throat as those with symptoms and may play a major role in spreading the disease, a new study reveals. The researchers compared levels of SARS-CoV-2 in 213 people in South … Read more

Severe COVID Clues: Autoantibodies, Gene Mutations

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Sept. 25, 2020 — Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists have struggled to find out why some people who get COVID-19 develop severe disease, and others are infected but don’t notice symptoms. Now, new research from the National Institutes of Health and other institutions suggests that some people have antibodies that are … Read more