Can You Breastfeed if You Have HIV?

Can You Breastfeed if You Have HIV?

Baby formula is recommended for moms living with HIV in the U.S. because of a slim chance that babies may contract HIV through breast milk. Women living with HIV who take antiretroviral therapy and have undetectable viral loads may give birth to HIV-free babies. They may see “breast is best” posters in their doctors’ offices … Read more

Newborns Won’t Get COVID Through Infected Mom’s Breast Milk

By Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, April 13, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A new study offers more reassurance that mothers infected with SARS-CoV-2 can safely breastfeed their babies. The study of 55 infants born to moms with COVID-19 found that none contracted the virus — even though most started getting breast milk in … Read more

Is it safe to give candies, cake to toddlers below 2 years? Here’s what US Dietary guidelines advise


The Dietary guidelines were released by the government in December 2020. (Representative image) Among the major dietary guidelines issued by the US government, parents have been advised against giving candy, cakes and pastries to children aged below 2 years. The guidelines have also laid down benefits of only providing breast milk till the babies attain … Read more

COVID Unlikely to Be Transmitted by Breast Milk

By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Aug. 28, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Breastfeeding mothers are unlikely to transmit the new coronavirus to their babies via their milk, researchers say. No cases of an infant contracting COVID-19 from breast milk have been documented, but questions about the potential risk remain. Researchers examined 64 samples of breast … Read more