Cyclone Mandous | T.N. has recovered quickly because of precautionary measures taken by the State, says CM

Cyclone Mandous | T.N. has recovered quickly because of  precautionary measures taken by the State, says CM

TN CM M.K. Stalin visited coastal areas in Chennai on Saturday and distributed relief material to residents affected by the cyclone | Photo Credit: Karunakaran M Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, who visited cyclone-affected areas in Chennai on Saturday, said the State had recovered quickly from the effects of Cyclone Mandous, thanks to the precautionary measures … Read more

Young People Recover Quickly From Rare Heart Side Effect of COVID Vaccine

By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Dec. 6, 2021 (HealthDay News) — It happens very rarely, but most teens and young adults who do experience heart inflammation (myocarditis) after a COVID-19 shot have mild symptoms and recover quickly, new research shows. “Overwhelmingly, data continue to indicate that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination — 91% … Read more

Sleepless Nights Can Quickly Mess Up Your Emotions

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter sleep mental health “Many of us think that we can pay our sleep debt on weekends and be more productive on weekdays,” said lead author Soomi Lee, an assistant professor in the School of Aging Studies at the University of South Florida. “However, results from this study show that having just … Read more

Novel method to accurately, quickly detect COVID-19 from phone swabs – ET HealthWorld

novel method to accurately quickly detect covid 19 from phone swabs

Researchers have developed a non-invasive and low-cost method that can accurately and rapidly detect Covid-19 using samples taken from the screens of smartphones. The researchers from University College London (UCL) in the UK analysed swabs from mobile screens rather than directly from people using the method known as Phone Screen Testing (PoST). They found that … Read more