Jamie Oliver stages Eton mess protest outside No 10

Jamie Oliver stages Eton mess protest outside No 10

Celebrity chef and campaigner Jamie Oliver has been protesting outside No 10 Downing Street with an Eton mess dessert following a government decision to delay implementing parts of its obesity strategy. The government announced last week that a ban on promotional offers around unhealthy food, like ‘buy one get one free’ deals, and a ban … Read more

Weed May Mess With Your Medicines, Causing Harm

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Dec. 16, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Many people turn to marijuana or cannabidiol to ease their achy joints and help them sleep, but a new study suggests that could wreak havoc with any other medications they’re taking. Why? Because the body uses the same set of enzymes to process … Read more

Sleepless Nights Can Quickly Mess Up Your Emotions

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter sleep mental health “Many of us think that we can pay our sleep debt on weekends and be more productive on weekdays,” said lead author Soomi Lee, an assistant professor in the School of Aging Studies at the University of South Florida. “However, results from this study show that having just … Read more