Australia live news update: nearly identical return-to-school plans for NSW and Victoria; no rapid tests for Qld students; 58 Covid deaths recorded

Australia live news update: nearly identical return-to-school plans for NSW and Victoria; no rapid tests for Qld students; 58 Covid deaths recorded

Today the government has announced its return-to-schools plan. It has announced a number of measures, a number of risk mitigation strategies. We will clearly be monitoring the implementation of those measures and importantly the effectiveness of those measures with a view to seeking urgent adjustments and improvements should they be required in order to offer … Read more

Australia live news update: NSW bans singing and dancing in venues and suspends elective surgery; Coalition defends Djokovic visa decision

Australia live news update: NSW bans singing and dancing in venues and suspends elective surgery; Coalition defends Djokovic visa decision

Some more details from that Victorian press conference first: The Victorian government says it hasn’t seen correspondence between the federal government and Tennis Australia that stipulated Novak Djokovic would not be allowed to enter the country if he did not meet Atagi criteria. Since the tennis star landed in Australia on Wednesday night the federal … Read more

Australia Covid news live update: millions more Australians eligible for boosters; Morrison warned about rapid test shortage months ago

Australia Covid news live update: millions more Australians eligible for boosters; Morrison warned about rapid test shortage months ago

9.45pm GMT 21:45 Brett Holmes is the General Secretary at NSW Nurses and Midwives Association. He is in The Sydney Morning Herald this morning talking about the situation in NSW hospitals. Here are a few lines from it: “Over the weekend, an ICU nurse at an outer-metropolitan hospital declared, “We are falling like flies.” In … Read more

Australia news live update: NSW Covid hospitalisations rise to 1,204; record high new cases in Victoria and Qld; states support free RATs, Foley says

Australia news live update: NSW Covid hospitalisations rise to 1,204; record high new cases in Victoria and Qld; states support free RATs, Foley says

NSW records 20,794 new Covid cases and Victoria 8,577, with seven deaths across both states; Queensland reports 4,249 cases, ACT 514 and Tasmania 466; Scott Morrison and Greg Hunt defend decision not to provide free rapid antigen tests; Martin Foley says states support free RATs; double-dose vaccination rate hits 91.5%. Follow all the day’s news … Read more

Australia news live update: more than 32,000 new Covid cases recorded nationwide; NSW hospitalisations pass 1,000

Australia news live update: more than 32,000 new Covid cases recorded nationwide; NSW hospitalisations pass 1,000

5.26am GMT 05:26 There may be few or no official restrictions, but word is it feels very much like a “soft lockdown” in Sydney today. james hennessy (@jrhennessy) Currently I Am Legending a frosty schooner in a totally deserted beer garden January 2, 2022 5.01am GMT 05:01 Residents in Melbourne’s outer south-east are being … Read more

Australia Covid news live: Scott Morrison announces change to isolation time as nation records more than 32,000 cases

Australia Covid news live: Scott Morrison announces change to isolation time as nation records more than 32,000 cases

In NSW we are not seeing it going anywhere near the peak yet. So numbers will keep going up at an exponential rate unless something else happens. Modelling, as least for South Australia, has put the likely hospitalisation rate at 5%. Now, when you are starting to get 20,000 cases a day, that’s an awful … Read more

Australia news live update: national cabinet agrees on new definition of ‘close contact’ as more than 21,000 Covid cases recorded nationwide

Australia news live update: national cabinet agrees on new definition of ‘close contact’ as more than 21,000 Covid cases recorded nationwide

In this morning’s meeting there is wide acceptance, in particular from the prime minister, that Western Australia is different. And we don’t have large numbers of cases. In fact, we have one case today. NSW had 11,000. So we are in a very, very different position to the other states. Which is why our testing, … Read more

Australia Covid news live update: Scott Morrison to speak ahead of national cabinet meeting; Qld records 1,539 cases, SA 1,471

Australia Covid news live update: Scott Morrison to speak ahead of national cabinet meeting; Qld records 1,539 cases, SA 1,471

12.47am GMT 00:47 We are expecting to hear from the prime minister at 12.30pm AEDT today. 12.42am GMT 00:42 Marshall has added that people should take seriously the calls to work from home, saying it was his “strong message from today.” He said the call would likely remain until the end of January. He also … Read more

Australia Covid live news update: national cabinet to discuss mask rules amid surging case numbers

Australia Covid live news update: national cabinet to discuss mask rules amid surging case numbers

We have never had a set and forget policy when it comes to managing the pandemic. As I think people have seen, everything from jobkeeper to the Covid disaster payment, the support we provide to pharmacists and GPs for the vaccination program. I mean, we pay the states to deliver the vaccines, I do not … Read more

Australia news live update: SA premier won’t ask for Vickie Chapman’s resignation; Tyrrell search enters fifth day

Australia news live update: SA premier won’t ask for Vickie Chapman’s resignation; Tyrrell search enters fifth day

2.01am GMT02:01 Looks like NZ journos weren’t given warning about the trade meeting between our two countries today. Andrew Macfarlane (@andrewmacfnz) If anyone’s curious, here’s what happens when you call a press conference between Australia and New Zealand’s Trade Ministers, and only give the NZ media 15 minutes notice… November 19, 2021 1.54am GMT01:54 … Read more