Australia news live update: Forbes evacuation likely over NSW floods; calls for condemnation of Victoria politicians at pandemic laws protest


A NSW central west town is preparing to evacuate as flooding from days of heavy rain raises rivers across the state, reports AAP. Of prime concern to authorities is the swollen Lachlan River, with more than 8,000 people in the town of Forbes in its path. The Bureau of Meteorology forecast major flooding in the … Read more

Australia news live update: Sydney welcomes international travellers as NSW and Victoria borders reopen


First flights land as New South Wales allows fully vaccinated people to enter without quarantining, while more restrictions within the state lift. Follow all the day’s news Australians can travel overseas again: what you need to know Vaccine rollout tracker; cases and data tracker Get our free news app; get our morning email briefing Frydenberg: … Read more

Australia news live update: Nine deaths, 1,750 Covid cases in Vic as Melbourne emerges from lockdown; 332 cases, two deaths in NSW


Luke Costin from AAP is off the mark early with this troubling report: An independent inquiry has been ordered into allegations that Covid-negative prisoners were forced to bunk with positive cellmates in a privately run Sydney prison. The allegations were raised in two separate courts in recent weeks concerning inmates at Parklea Correctional Centre in … Read more

Covid live news: UK rows over booster jab timings and MP face masks continue; Covid case cancels ‘cruise to nowhere’ in Hong Kong


It’s a personal choice, but most of us are wearing masks. I mean, on the tube, most of us are wearing masks. I don’t know if you’ve seen that. And I think as more and more it gets into winter, I’ve had a cough, so I’ve been wearing a mask, and having a cough is … Read more

Melbourne celebrates as city ends 262 days of lockdown – video


Melburnians cheered in celebration as the clocks struck midnight and their collective 262 days of lockdown ended. As the state of Victoria hit its target of 70% double dose vaccination for those above 16, those who have been double jabbed were given new freedoms including a return to hairdressers, retail and hospitality. Despite a rise in … Read more

Australia news live update: Melbourne celebrates end of lockdown, Scott Morrison to discuss international border reopening


10.00pm BST22:00 Qantas to return to 100% of staff levels in January Joyce says there are discussions with the Indonesian government to open up Bali to vaccinated Australian travellers, with the hope that it could be open before Christmas. Qantas will also be launching commercial flights to Delhi, for the first time in ten years. … Read more

Australia politics live: Scott Morrison in last-ditch talks with Nationals on net zero


Ready for more climate talk? Because you’ll be hearing a lot of it today. Again. Despite being one of the governing parties for the past eight years, and being heavily involved in the climate policy wars, the Nationals, led by Barnaby Joyce, have apparently never before considered a net zero by 2050 target. All we … Read more

Australian politics live: Barnaby Joyce says Nationals ‘not chained to a script’ on net zero


I hope not. We don’t suggest that. A lot of times – I have been through them all – the single desk debate, the ETS debate, the Telstra debate – well, I wasn’t there for the guns debate, but we all remember that. And, you know, these are trying times and we think, for what … Read more

Australia Covid news live update: millions in NSW awaken to new freedoms after 106 days of lockdown


This is the day so many have been looking forward to, the day when things we take for granted we celebrate. Being with family and friends, getting a haircut, grabbing a meal together, going to the pub and having a beer with your mates. These are things that across New South Wales and particularly in … Read more

Australia Covid live update: Victoria records 1,890 cases and five deaths; NSW 477 cases and six deaths ahead of state reopening


Lockdown for those fully vaccinated set to lift in Sydney at midnight as Victoria releases secondary contacts from requirement to isolate amid a surge in cases. Follow updates live NSW vaccination verification app update still weeks away Sharri Markson’s book on Wuhan lab theory raises more questions than it answers NSW and Vic restrictions; Vic … Read more