BJP winning Lok Sabha seat before polls isn’t a first

BJP winning Lok Sabha seat before polls isn’t a first

A BJP candidate has won his Lok Sabha seat even before actual polling was even held. However, Mukesh Dalal’s victory from Surat unopposed might be rare, but it isn’t a first. While the nomination form of Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani was rejected by the returning officer, the other eight candidates from Surat withdrew their nominations. … Read more

Ideal blood pressure isn’t age+100, says doctor

Ideal blood pressure isn’t age+100, says doctor

Hypertension among young and middle-aged people is a growing health concern in Andhra Pradesh as more people are getting diagnosed with elevated blood pressure which could lead to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In a State-wide survey being conducted by the Health Department on the prevalence of non-communicable diseases among people aged 30 and above, about … Read more

The Most Common Form of Bullying Isn’t Physical or Verbal

The Most Common Form of Bullying Isn’t Physical or Verbal

By Sydney Murphy HealthDay ReporterHealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Aug. 30, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The most widespread form of bullying isn’t physical acts like pushing or kicking, nor is it verbal threats or derogatory remarks. Far and away bullies’ top tactic is social exclusion. Also known as “relational aggression,” this involves shutting out peers from group … Read more

For Millions, the Pandemic Isn’t Over: ‘We Are Indeed Stuck’

For Millions, the Pandemic Isn’t Over: ‘We Are Indeed Stuck’

March 7, 2022 — As many people in the country prepare to ditch their masks, mingle more closely, and return to “normal,” not everyone can board that train. People who live with diseases or take medications that make their immune systems not work as well to protect them from infections are still at risk from … Read more

Insulin Isn’t the Only Blood Sugar Regulator

By Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Jan. 5, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Scientists have known for 100 years that insulin is the body’s main mechanism for controlling blood sugar levels, but researchers have now discovered a second hormone does the same job a bit differently — and they say it could be a new target … Read more

Understanding Your Doctor Isn’t Always Easy — Or Your Fault

Oct. 28, 2021 — Nearly two-thirds of Americans are not confident that they understood their doctor’s recommendations and the health information they discussed with their doctor after a visit, according to a new survey. Confusion over health information and doctor advice is even higher among people who care for patients than among those who don’t … Read more

The Mediterranean Diet Isn’t What It Used to Be

Oct. 4, 2021 — When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, some residents of Pompeii, Italy, sought shelter in stone vaults on nearby beaches, but to no avail: The lava flows still took their lives. But molten rock did not erase evidence of how they lived and what they ate. Their bones tell a story … Read more

Treating Insomnia When Sleep Hygiene Isn’t Enough

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SOURCES: Annie Miller, behavioral sleep medicine therapist, DC Metro Sleep and Psychotherapy. Mayo Clinic: “Insomnia treatment: Cognitive behavioral therapy instead of sleeping pills.” Kaur, H; Spurling, B; Bollu, P. Chronic Insomnia, StatPearls Publishing, 2021.   Sleep Foundation: “Light Therapy for Insomnia Sufferers,” “Sleep Hygiene,” “Light and Sleep,” “Mental Health and Sleep.” Stanford Health Care: “Stimulus … Read more

Why Health Care Isn’t Equal for People in the LGBTQ+ Community

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Though people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer or questioning (LGBTQ) have made progress in gaining rights and acceptance, the struggle for equality is far from over. This community still faces discrimination and inequality, especially when it comes to health care. “They not only have barriers to accessing care and receiving care, but … Read more