Arthritis pain in winter: Five ways to get rid of it

Arthritis pain in winter: Five ways to get rid of it

In the winter months, people with arthritis often face increased discomfort due to the cold weather that exacerbates their symptoms. Arthritis is a disease that includes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. Arthritis is of two types. The first relates to inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and lupus, which are degenerative. The second … Read more

E-health lowers patient pain, opioids in clinical study – ET HealthWorld

E-health lowers patient pain, opioids in clinical study – ET HealthWorld

Washington: In recent clinical research, an online “e-health” programme helped more persons with chronic pain reduce their opioid medicines and pain intensity than a control group that only received conventional care. In the study published in the journal Pain, about 400 participants who had been prescribed long-term opioid treatment for their pain were divided into … Read more