Coronavirus Chased Off Tourists—Lots of Locals Don’t Want Them Ever Flocking Back


KYOTO, Japan—The bustle of tourists has disappeared from this ancient capital—only to be replaced by dissension over whether they should ever be welcomed back. Mimiko Takayasu, 80 years old, is proprietress of a century-old tea house where geisha entertain wealthy Japanese with traditional music and dance. Until the coronavirus pandemic, the streets of Gion, Kyoto’s … Read more

South Korean Health Officials Concerned Over Rise in Daily Coronavirus Infections


SEOUL—South Korean health officials are on guard and strengthening prevention measures after the country on Sunday reported its highest daily count of new coronavirus infections in months. There were 279 newly infected individuals, health officials said. Most of the cases arose in the Seoul metropolitan area, home to about half the country’s population. Though… Source link

LGBT Rights Are Flashpoint in Culture War Dividing Europe’s East and West


TUCHÓW, Poland—Last year, this small Polish town near the eastern edge of the European Union passed a resolution proclaiming itself a “municipality free of LGBT ideology.” Last month, the EU responded by stripping funding for a program connecting Tuchów with a sister city in France. For EU authorities, Tuchów had violated a fundamental right not … Read more

Israel-U.A.E. Diplomatic Deal Ratchets Up Tensions With Iran


Iran unleashed an angry broadside this weekend reacting to the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, a deal signaling deeper cooperation between the Jewish state and Gulf Arabs to counter Tehran as it vies for regional influence. In a nationally televised speech Saturday, Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, said, “We … Read more

Lukashenko Built Belarus in His Own Image. Now It’s on the Brink of Collapse


MOSCOW—When Svetlana Tikhanovskaya walked into Belarus’s election commission to complain she had been cheated out of a win in last weekend’s presidential election, her campaign team expected her to quickly emerge to carry on the fight. Instead, she disappeared, resurfacing the next day in Lithuania. In a video posted on social media, she called for … Read more

Lebanese Face Threat of Widespread Hunger After Beirut Explosion


BEIRUT—In the wake of the massive explosion that devastated large parts of the Lebanese capital, a new danger is stalking the struggling country: hunger. The early August blast, which killed more than 150 people and displaced hundreds of thousands from their homes, destroyed the grain silos storing most of the country’s wheat supplies and badly … Read more

WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Administration Eyes New Phase of Syria Sanctions


The Trump administration is readying new rounds of sanctions against Syria, U.S. officials said, planning to expand its blacklist by focusing on financial-support networks outside the war-torn nation in a renewed effort to coerce Damascus into peace talks. As President Bashar al-Assad has secured military and political gains in recent months, the U.S. officials say … Read more