Automated driving test track at Anantapur to be opened on Oct. 4

Automated driving test track at Anantapur to be opened on Oct. 4

One of the nine automated driving test tracks of Andhra Pradesh laid at Anantapur Deputy Transport Commissioner’s office complex is ready, and the facility will be formally inaugurated on October 4(Tuesday). Those coming for the driving test need to book their slots through the Citizens’ Portal of A.P. Transport Authority by paying the requisite fee … Read more

What’s driving healthcare infrastructure in India – ET HealthWorld

What’s driving healthcare infrastructure in India – ET HealthWorld

By Anshuman Magazine Over the centuries, the healthcare industry has thrived on technological advancements. Better equipment, software, data storage programs, etc. are life-saving resources – critical particularly to the medical fraternity. Contrary to the popular opinion, COVID-19 did not lead to tech adoption across sections – instead it altered businesses’ perspectives, and patient expectations for … Read more

Tips For Driving With RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Tips For Driving With RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Driving with joint pain and stiffness can be a challenge. But rheumatoid arthritis (RA) shouldn’t keep you off the road. There are steps you can take to make your ride easier. What can you do? “The modifications are endless,” says Eron Bozec, an occupational therapist with the Driver Rehabilitation Program at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in … Read more

Driving impact in healthcare through simple and scalable tech innovations – ET HealthWorld

Driving impact in healthcare through simple and scalable tech innovations – ET HealthWorld

By Abhijit Bose About 75 percent of India’s population resides in villages whereas the majority of doctors and medical professionals practice in urban areas. Access to quality healthcare and consulting with certified doctors is a massive challenge for people living in rural areas, thus making it difficult for them to get the right healthcare advice … Read more

Driving Both High and Drunk More Dangerous Than Either Alone

By Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Jan. 31, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The hazards of drunken driving are well known, and a new research review shows that adding pot to the mix only makes matters worse. The analysis of 57 past studies found that the combination of alcohol and marijuana compromised people’s driving skills to … Read more

Animal Sedative Is Driving Rise in Fatal Drug ODs

By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Sept. 21, 2021 (HealthDay News) — An animal tranquilizer, xylazine, is increasingly linked to drug overdose deaths across the United States, health officials say. According to a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, xylazine has turned up in overdose deaths in 25 of 38 … Read more

Could the ‘Mono’ Virus Be Driving Long-Haul COVID?

WEDNESDAY, June 30, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Some folks suffering COVID long-haul symptoms might actually be experiencing an attack of fatigue-inducing Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a new study argues. Two-thirds of a group of 30 COVID long-haul patients had high levels of Epstein-Barr antibodies, suggesting that EBV lying dormant in their bodies had been reactivated … Read more

How Digital Health and AI are Driving Intelligent Healthcare – ET HealthWorld

how digital health and ai are driving intelligent healthcare

by Shishir Kumar In today’s rapidly changing healthcare landscape, the need for fast, digital transformation is crucial in driving operational efficiencies, clinical care delivery and enhancing patient care while keeping costs at an optimal level . The current pandemic has pushed the Digital transformation as a top priority for healthcare establishments to the next level, … Read more