U.A.E. Boosted Arms Transfers to Libya to Salvage Warlord’s Campaign, U.N. Panel Finds


The United Arab Emirates ramped up deliveries of military supplies to Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar this year, according to a confidential United Nations report, flouting an arms embargo as the Gulf state tried to salvage the leader’s military campaign and check the influence of regional rival Turkey. The U.A.E.’s military flights surged as Mr. Haftar fought to prevent … Read more

New Generation Presses Thailand’s Military and Monarchy to Step Away From Politics


Political turmoil isn’t new in Thailand, which has been rocked by coups and periods of unrest for decades. But a new generation of Thais has taken to the streets in recent months against a system they see as dictatorial and out-of-place in the 21st century, with some questioning the very foundation of what it means … Read more

After Mali Coup, Mutineers Pledge Fresh Elections


JOHANNESBURG—Military officers who staged a coup in Mali that forced the resignation of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita pledged on Wednesday to form a civilian transitional government to quickly organize fresh elections. Dressed in combat fatigues and sat behind a wooden desk, five soldiers appeared on state television shortly after sunrise. A spokesman for the mutineers, who call themselves … Read more

Soldiers Detain Mali Leaders in Apparent Coup Attempt


JOHANNESBURG—Renegade soldiers in Mali detained President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, Prime Minister Boubou Cisse and dozens of other senior officials in what appeared to be a coup attempt after months of civilian demonstrations calling for the government’s resignation. Malian opposition leaders and Western officials in the capital, Bamako, confirmed the heads of government were arrested at Mr. … Read more