So then how do we do it? We do it by moving to a well-being focus…Where it can be more difficult to make a diagnosis in the early days, we focus on wellbeing.
It’s a spectrum. Is a child well or are they coping? Are they struggling? Or are they unwell?…
That framework is something that everybody can intuitively understand and access. Then it is backed up by funding. There is over $317 million which was announced in preparation for this as part of the budget, and then this is the road map with that funding.
And in particular the focus on 15 head-to-health clinics for children. A world-leading initiative in terms of 15 national clinics which will then be backed up by our support through the Medicare system for family visits, the work that’s being done with research and evidence which is all fundamental.
So that $317 million package is what underpins this road map and the road map fleshes it out.