Do assassinations change the world? Impact of bid on Trump’s life 

Do assassinations change the world? Impact of bid on Trump’s life 

Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt when a bullet grazed his ear during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. This incident raises a profound question: Do assassinations or assassination attempts change the world? In this episode of First Things Fast with Manish Adhikary, we explore historical examples to understand their impact. From Julius Caesar to John … Read more

The Human Touch: Enhancing Patient Experience in an Increasingly Digital World – ET HealthWorld

The Human Touch: Enhancing Patient Experience in an Increasingly Digital World – ET HealthWorld

The healthcare landscape is undergoing a significant digital transformation. Innovations such as telemedicine consultations and wearable health trackers are revolutionizing the delivery and receipt of care. These technological advancements offer substantial benefits, including increased accessibility, enhanced data collection, and potentially faster diagnoses. For instance, telemedicine has grown by over 150 per cent in recent years, … Read more