Team bonding goes from online to offsite after two years of WFH

Team bonding goes from online to offsite after two years of WFH

Smartphone application Truecaller last month organised an offsite for over 100 employees from offices in Gurugram, Mumbai and Bengaluru in Goa. The team wanted to use this period of waning Covid cases to meet everyone in person and know their colleagues. “It’s been two years since everyone has been working from home. We planned a … Read more

WFH Blues? These 4 real life hacks will help you tide over pandemic stress

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Here are some simple tips to help you tide over these tough times, and change adversity to advantage. By Payeli Ghosh  It’s 2022, and the virus is still lurking around. The pandemic has made anxiety a part of our professional and personal lives. People are reporting professional burnout at all-time high rates due to stress, … Read more

With hybrid work-culture both WFH and office furniture to be in demand: Sidhant Lamba, Fabrento


The furniture rental industry in India will grow substantially from hereon, as more and more people want to live well and be comfortable. With the ‘second wave’ of the COVID-19 pandemic hitting us, Indians are again moving back to their homes and prioritizing ‘stay-at-home’ and ‘work-from-home’ to stay safe and avoid catching the dreaded virus. Ever since the pandemic-induced lockdown was announced … Read more

Want to reset your body clock and get good sleep? Here’s what experts say

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No number of drugs, pills or medicines can ever replace the magic of a good sound sleep, shares Coutinho. During the lockdown, Noida-based architect Sumit Singh was confined to his home like everybody else. The restrictions on movement and the extended confinement caused serious alterations in his body clock and sleeping pattern. So much so … Read more

Work from home-related stress: Is your heart skipping a beat?

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With World Heart Day round the corner (September 29), we take a look at the problem and its solution. By Reya Mehrotra With work from home becoming the new constant, the hustle and bustle of life might have slowed down thanks to zero traffic and commute hours, but WFH stress seems to have become the … Read more