Ushering into a New Era of Healthcare: Digital Leads the Way – ET HealthWorld

Ushering into a New Era of Healthcare: Digital Leads the Way – ET HealthWorld

by Dr. Shravan Subramanyam The pandemic turned over a new leaf in the history of healthcare for a country like India. Digital health took a whole new meaning and we saw patients take the digital healthcare turn. India’s per capita consumption of data is 12 gigabytes per person per month. There are 1.18 billion phone … Read more

Emerging technologies ushering life sciences industry into the metaverse: Accenture Report – ET HealthWorld

Emerging technologies ushering life sciences industry into the metaverse: Accenture Report – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Accenture’s Life Sciences Technology Vision 2022 report explores the technology trends that will transform how biopharmaceutical and medical technology companies solve manufacturing and device problems, improve equity in clinical trial participation and build more resilient supply chains to provide patients and healthcare professionals with more personalised experiences. According to the report, life sciences … Read more