Schumer insists Senate will vote on voting rights bill ‘win, lose or draw’ – live


William Barr, Donald Trump’s second attorney general and perceived hatchet man until he split from the former president over his lies about election fraud, has a book deal. William Barr’s book. Photograph: AP The publisher of One Damn Thing After Another, due out on 8 March, Harper Collins, promised a “vivid and forthright” read on … Read more

Biden to tout successful passing of infrastructure law after voting rights defeat – live


Even as Democrats filed into their caucus meeting with Biden about changing Senate rules to reform federal elections, a response to GOP-backed state laws designed to restrict ballot access, a good portion of them were unaware they had already lost. Just minutes before the group’s meeting with Biden, [Kyrsten Sinema] slammed the door on weakening … Read more

Senate Republicans block Democrats’ Freedom to Vote Act – live


9.12pm BST21:12 Senate will soon vote on John Lewis Voting Rights Act, Schumer says After Senate Republicans successfully blocked Democrats’ Freedom to Vote Act, majority leader Chuck Schumer said he will soon bring another voting rights bill up for a vote. “The fight to protect our democracy is far from over in the United States … Read more

Biden surveys Hurricane Ida damage and warns ‘climate change was here’ – live


9.08pm BST21:08 Joe Biden is now touring a neighborhood in Queens, New York, that was severely impacted by the flooding from Hurricane Ida last week. Joe Biden, along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Chuck Schumer, tours a neighborhood affected by Hurricane Ida in Queens, New York. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images The president was joined on the … Read more

US Census Bureau to kick off redistricting battle with release of 2020 data – live


The redistricting cycle arrives at a moment when American democracy is already in peril. Republican lawmakers in states across the country, some of whom hold office because of gerrymandering, have enacted sweeping measures making it harder to vote. Republicans have blocked federal legislation that would outlaw partisan gerrymandering and strip state lawmakers of their authority … Read more

Harris to meet Texas Democrats who fled state to block voting restriction bill – live


Texas Democrats come to Capitol: ‘We won’t buckle to the big lie’ Lawmakers arrive in DC to call for legislation to strengthen voting rights Explainer: why did Democratic lawmakers flee Texas? Texas governor vows to arrest Democratic legislators who fled Austin 7.25pm BST Joe Biden is due to give a major speech on voting rights … Read more

US officials reportedly considering criminal charges against Trump Organization – live


A Republican congressman from Pennsylvania compared Democrats to Nazis and told supporters: “Go fight them.” Scott Perry. Photograph: Reuters Scott Perry, a member of the hard-right Freedom Caucus, made the remarks earlier this month in a speech to state conservatives – as reported by Vice News. “They are not the loyal opposition,” the former soldier … Read more

Republicans set to sink Democrats’ effort to advance key voting rights bill – live


It’s no secret that I oppose eliminating the Senate’s 60-vote threshold. I held the same view during three terms in the U.S. House, and said the same after I was elected to the Senate in 2018. If anyone expected me to reverse my position because my party now controls the Senate, they should know that … Read more

Joe Manchin to face critics in meeting with Black civil rights leaders on voting – live


3.20pm BST15:20 It appears the meeting between Joe Manchin and civil rights leaders has come to an end. Mike DeBonis (@mikedebonis) MANCHIN speaks to reporters post meeting w civil rts leaders:“constructive conversation”“very much concerned about our democracy”“just an excellent meeting” Did anyone changed their views?“No, I don’t think anyone changed positions.” June 8, 2021 Mike … Read more