US Senate reaches deal to extend debt ceiling through early December – live


Leaders on Capitol Hill were in discussions past midnight over raising the debt limit and avoiding economic catastrophe. To recap: Congress must vote to raise the country’s debt ceiling, our artificially imposed borrowing limit, by 18 October, or risk the US defaulting on its debts for the first time in its history. Defaulting on our … Read more

Psaki: Biden will not invoke executive privilege to block access to Capitol riot records – live


Karen Bass, a Democratic congresswoman from California, is reportedly planning to run for Los Angeles mayor. The Washington Post first reported the news. Karen Bass. Photograph: REX/Shutterstock Although the field is still shaping up, Bass’ national profile and broad popularity would make her a top contender for the position Eric Garcetti is vacating to be … Read more

US lawmakers seek immediate removal of Trump after his supporters stormed Capitol


Several US lawmakers have demanded immediate removal of President Donald Trump from office, alleging that he incited his supporters who stormed the Capitol in an unprecedented incident that has dented the democracy of America. Thousands of pro-Trump rioters on Wednesday stormed the US Capitol, interrupting a joint session of Congress where lawmakers were set to … Read more

Twitter, Facebook CEOs defend election actions, promise more


WASHINGTON: The CEOs of Twitter and Facebook on Tuesday defended their safeguards against disinformation in the presidential election, and promised Congress they would take vigorous action for two special elections in Georgia that could determine which party controls the U.S. Senate. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told a hearing of the … Read more

How Biden could steer a divided government


By David Brooks It’s easy to imagine ways Joe Biden’s presidency might open very badly. COVID-19 may still be spiking. The economy could slip back into recession. Mitch McConnell might still control the Senate, blocking every major Biden proposal. Donald Trump will be unleashed as National Narrator blasting everything that happens. Things don’t get much … Read more

China declines to acknowledge Biden victory


China declined Monday to congratulate Joe Biden as the winner of the US presidential election, saying the outcome of the vote was still to be determined. While incumbent Donald Trump has yet to concede and has launched several legal challenges, many world leaders congratulated Biden and running mate Kamala Harris after the Democrats were declared … Read more

Donald Trump considers how to keep up fight, find a graceful exit


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump never admits defeat. But he faces a stark choice now that Democrat Joe Biden has won the White House: Concede graciously for the sake of the nation or don’t – and get evicted anyway. After nearly four tortured days of counting yielded a victory for Biden on Saturday, Trump was still … Read more

Message of Election 2020: Trump lost, but Trumpism did not


President Donald Trump lost. But Trumpism did not. It won in the parts of the country and with the voters whom Trump catered to over four years, constantly jabbing the hard edges of almost every contentious cultural issue into Red America, on the bet that fear and anger were a winning hand. It almost was. … Read more

PM Narendra Modi greets Joe Biden, says will look forward to work closely


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday greeted US President Elect Joe Biden and said that as Vice President his contribution to strengthening Indo-US relations was critical and invaluable and India will look forward to work closely together. The Prime Minister also congratulated Vice President elect Kamala Harris saying her success is pathbreaking, and … Read more

Donald Trump defied gravity; now falls back to earth, future TBD


Donald Trump, who defied political gravity with his extraordinary rise from reality star and businessman to the presidency, has fallen back to earth. In the end, his flurry of raucous rallies, an unprecedented turnout operation and sheer force of will could not overcome the reality of his enduring unpopularity and a raging pandemic that has … Read more