India’s UNSC presidency to mark arrival of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at UNHQ

India’s UNSC presidency to mark arrival of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at UNHQ

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will inaugurate a bust of Mahatma Gandhi at the United Nations on December 14, marking the arrival of the Mahatma at UN’s headquarters during India’s presidency of the powerful 15-nation Security Council for the month of December. India, on December 1, assumed the monthly rotating … Read more

Cannot have terrorist camps moving back into Afghanistan, this will have direct impact on India: UNSC President Ambassador Tirumurti


The situation in Afghanistan is of deep concern to all members of the UN Security Council, President of the Council for the month of August Ambassador T S Tirumurti has said, underlining that “we cannot have terrorist camps” once again moving back into the war-torn country that will have a “direct impact” on India. India, … Read more