As EAM Jaishankar pads up for a second term with a new team, foreign policy challenges remain the same

As EAM Jaishankar pads up for a second term with a new team, foreign policy challenges remain the same

BJP MP S Jaishankar takes charge as the External Affairs Minister, in New Delhi, on June 11, 2024. | Photo Credit: PTI External Affairs Minister for a second term, S. Jaishankar hit the floor running on June 10, sending out a message of continuity and “business as usual” for Indian foreign policy in the new … Read more

U.S.’ relationship with India ‘critical’ in dealing with China, Russia: Congressman Ro Khanna

U.S.’ relationship with India ‘critical’ in dealing with China, Russia: Congressman Ro Khanna

Ro Khanna. File | Photo Credit: AP The U.S.’ relationship with India is “critical” in dealing with its strategic adversaries — China and Russia, Indian-American Congressman Ro Khanna has said. Mr. Khanna spoke to radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt on August 29 after his return from India, where he led a bipartisan Congressional delegation. … Read more

Opposition boycott of Parliament building inauguration | Jaishankar says there should be a limit to doing politics

Opposition boycott of Parliament building inauguration | Jaishankar says there should be a limit to doing politics

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar. File External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on May 26 described as “unfortunate” the decision by 20 Opposition parties to boycott the inauguration of the new Parliament building and said there should be a limit to doing politics. Editorial | Lost opportunity: On the acrimony over the inauguration of the new … Read more

China occupied India’s land in 1962, not now: Jaishankar takes swipe at Rahul Gandhi over his ‘territory loss’ remark

China occupied India’s land in 1962, not now: Jaishankar takes swipe at Rahul Gandhi over his ‘territory loss’ remark

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on Saturday said some people deliberately spread wrong news about the China issue knowing it is not true for politics and by talking about some land, which was taken by China in 1962, they give the impression this happened recently, the remarks viewed as a dig at Congress leader Rahul … Read more

India’s UNSC presidency to mark arrival of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at UNHQ

India’s UNSC presidency to mark arrival of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at UNHQ

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will inaugurate a bust of Mahatma Gandhi at the United Nations on December 14, marking the arrival of the Mahatma at UN’s headquarters during India’s presidency of the powerful 15-nation Security Council for the month of December. India, on December 1, assumed the monthly rotating … Read more

India mostly used force defensively when threatened, almost always within its own borders: Jaishankar

India mostly used force defensively when threatened, almost always within its own borders: Jaishankar

Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar. | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement If India is threatened tomorrow, there is no ambiguity that it will use force, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar said on Thursday. However, he also stated that the country has been cautious on the use of force, noting that over the last 75 years … Read more