India presents detailed model on behalf of G4 nations for UNSC reform that displays flexibility on veto

India presents detailed model on behalf of G4 nations for UNSC reform that displays flexibility on veto

India has presented a detailed model on behalf of the G4 nations for Security Council reform that includes new permanent members elected democratically by the General Assembly and displays flexibility on the veto issue. Participating in the Inter-governmental Negotiations on Security Council reform (IGN) on March 7, India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Ruchira … Read more

G20 Summit showcased India’s commitment to fostering global togetherness: Ruchira Kamboj

G20 Summit showcased India’s commitment to fostering global togetherness: Ruchira Kamboj

India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj on October 10 (local time) said that the G20 Summit held in New Delhi showcased the country’s commitment to “fostering a sense of global togetherness.” Editorial |India’s moment: on the G-20 Summit outcomes  She highlighted various instances when India practised ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’, which means the world … Read more

Countries that use cross-border terror to serve narrow political purposes must be held accountable: Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj

Countries that use cross-border terror to serve narrow political purposes must be held accountable: Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj

India’s Ambassador to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj. File | Photo Credit: AP Countries that use cross-border terror for narrow political purposes must be held accountable, India has said in the UN Security Council, in a veiled reference to Pakistan, and underlined the need for nations to stand together against the common threat of terrorism … Read more

India’s UNSC presidency to mark arrival of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at UNHQ

India’s UNSC presidency to mark arrival of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at UNHQ

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will inaugurate a bust of Mahatma Gandhi at the United Nations on December 14, marking the arrival of the Mahatma at UN’s headquarters during India’s presidency of the powerful 15-nation Security Council for the month of December. India, on December 1, assumed the monthly rotating … Read more