Try these Vishu staples from different parts of Kerala

Try these Vishu staples from different parts of Kerala

Traditional sadhya served on banana leaf Inji puli (Different regions) Serving size: 2 cups | Cooking duration: Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes Inji puli Ingredients Tamarind – 1 lime sized piece Ginger – 200 grams Green chillies – 5 Jaggery- 100 grams Roasted red rice – 50 grams Chilli powder – … Read more

Archana Pidathala on her latest book Why Cook

Archana Pidathala on her latest book Why Cook

I speak to Archana Pidathala about her new book Why Cook on the eve of her son’s birthday. This has her harking back to a special memory when testing out the many thoughtfully-curated recipes. “I spent an entire evening testing the recipe with him making 75 momos and chatting away! They were imperfectly sealed, but … Read more