Try these Vishu staples from different parts of Kerala

Try these Vishu staples from different parts of Kerala

Traditional sadhya served on banana leaf Inji puli (Different regions) Serving size: 2 cups | Cooking duration: Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes Inji puli Ingredients Tamarind – 1 lime sized piece Ginger – 200 grams Green chillies – 5 Jaggery- 100 grams Roasted red rice – 50 grams Chilli powder – … Read more

Americans Think They Eat Healthier Than They Really Do

Americans Think They Eat Healthier Than They Really Do

By Denise Mann HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, June 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Many people think they make healthy food choices, but they may be viewing their diet through rose-colored glasses. That’s the main finding of a new study that aimed to identify disconnects between how healthfully Americans think they eat … Read more

Strawberries, Spinach, Kale Top ‘Dirty Dozen’ List Again

All three items were in the same positions last year, but the 2021 version also adds collard and mustard greens along with kale in the No. 3 spot. Nearly 70% of the non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. has residues of potentially harmful pesticides, the latest report found. Source link