Five self-care tips to keep away stress and anxiety

Five self-care tips to keep away stress and anxiety

By Akanksha Pandey Maintain Sleep Hygiene Sound sleep helps in physical restoration, information processing and memorization, clears the brain of toxins, strengthens immune system and for mood regulation. Quality of sleep is as important as quantity of sleep. Don’t perform any other activity in bed other than sleeping as brain associates it as a place … Read more

Protect Your Erection: 11 Tips to Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Protect Your Erection: 11 Tips to Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

SOURCES: Irwin Goldstein, MD, director, sexual medicine, Alvarado Hospital, San Diego. Research funding: Pfizer. Research studies: Vivus and Medtronic. J. Stephen Jones, MD, chairman, department of regional urology, Cleveland Clinic. Consultant: Pfizer. Andrew McCullough, MD, associate professor of clinical urology and director, male sexual health program, New York University Langone Medical Center. Lecturer: Auxillium. Research … Read more

What Is Good Stress?

What Is Good Stress?

There’s a secret weapon for dealing with something unexpected. And you might be used to thinking of it as something that would undermine you, not help you shine. Just ask Wendy Berry Mendes, PhD. She’s the Sarlo/Ekman Professor of Emotion at the University of California, San Francisco. But earlier in her life, she was a … Read more

Uncomfortably Numb: With COVID & Ukraine, Crisis Fatigue Thrives

Uncomfortably Numb: With COVID & Ukraine, Crisis Fatigue Thrives

March 15, 2022 — In casual conversation these days, you’re likely to hear: “I’m just done with COVID.” The problem is the virus isn’t done with us yet. Nor is the war in Ukraine, inflation, or gas prices, among other concerns. The statistics 2 years into the pandemic are sobering, or should be. Deaths from … Read more

Anxious? Try Hugging Your ‘Breathing Pillow’

Anxious? Try Hugging Your ‘Breathing Pillow’

THURSDAY, March 10, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Could hugging a soft, mechanized pillow that simulates slow breathing help test-stressed students ward off anxiety and stress? British researchers are betting on it. The pillow in question looks like any typical cushion, noted study author Alice Haynes. She’s a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Bristol in … Read more

Pandemic Has Been Devastating to Mental Health of Disabled Americans

Pandemic Has Been Devastating to Mental Health of Disabled Americans

TUESDAY, Feb. 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Loneliness, isolation and fears about contracting COVID-19 have turned life upside down for people with disabilities, causing high levels of depression and anxiety, a new survey finds. Even before the pandemic, individuals with disabilities were more likely to experience social isolation than their peers without disabilities. But this … Read more

Don’t Keep Quiet: Young Ukrainians Share Struggles Amid War

Don’t Keep Quiet: Young Ukrainians Share Struggles Amid War

Feb. 25, 2021 — Hypervigilance, sadness, rage, anger. Many young Ukrainians have taken to Instagram to express their emotions as Russian forces continue their push deeper into the country.  Political unrest between Ukraine and Russia has a long history, but this is the first major conflict in the region since 2014. Recalling childhood stories from … Read more

As Russia Invades Ukraine, Tips to Manage ‘Headline Anxiety’

As Russia Invades Ukraine, Tips to Manage ‘Headline Anxiety’

Feb. 24, 2022 — Turn to any news channel, news site, or social media platform, and you’re bound to see continuous updates on the situation in Ukraine, the individual and public health toll from the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing political and racial divisiveness in the United States, and more. So how can someone who wants to … Read more

Depression rise at Christmas linked to stress over Covid

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Despite vaccines protecting the large majority of the UK population from becoming seriously ill with Covid, and no lockdowns being brought in over Christmas, levels of anxiety and depression were “on a par with the same time last year,” said Dr Daisy Fancourt, lead author from UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care. Source link