Student wings of 10 parties to step up NEP protests

Student wings of 10 parties to step up NEP protests

The student organisations of about 10 Opposition parties have decided to strengthen protests against the New Education Policy (NEP). At a joint meeting held here on Friday, the leaders of the outfits also formed a sub-committee to develop a charter of demands for the united student movement. Participants included Congress’s National Students Union (NSU), the … Read more

Police step up vigil across Coimbatore as UAPA Tribunal upholds ban on Popular Front of India

Police step up vigil across Coimbatore as UAPA Tribunal upholds ban on Popular Front of India

Intensive vehicle checks are being conducted across Coimbatore after the UAPA Tribunal on March 21, 2023 upheld the MHA’s ban on the Popular Front of India and its affiliated organisations. Photo: Special Arrangement The police stepped up security and conducted vehicle checks across Coimbatore during the late hours on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 after the … Read more

I have conveyed my desire to step down from political responsibilities: Maharashtra Governor Koshyari

I have conveyed my desire to step down from political responsibilities: Maharashtra Governor Koshyari

Bhagat Singh Koshyari. | Photo Credit: Vivek Bendre Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari said he has conveyed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi his desire to step down from political responsibilities during the latter’s recent visit to Mumbai. In a statement issued by the Raj Bhavan, Governor Koshyari has expressed his desire to spend the rest … Read more

Wrestlers call off protest after Sharan asked to step aside as WFI president

Wrestlers call off protest after Sharan asked to step aside as WFI president

The aggrieved grapplers called off their protest late on Friday night after getting assurances from the government that their grievances would be addressed, the first step of which was the stepping aside of under-fire Wrestling Federation of India chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. The wrestlers, including Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia, Sakshi Malik, and Ravi Dahiya, … Read more

Computer Models Could Be Next Step in Decoding the Brain

Computer Models Could Be Next Step in Decoding the Brain

Sept. 16, 2022 – All day long, your brain cells are sending and receiving messages through electrical and chemical signals. These messages help you do things like move your muscles and use your senses – as you taste your food, feel the heat coming off a stove, or read the words on this page. If … Read more

Light-Up ‘Skin-Like’ Plastic Is the Next Step for Wearables

Light-Up ‘Skin-Like’ Plastic Is the Next Step for Wearables

March 30, 2022 — Imagine a tiny, stretchable, glowing Band-Aid on your finger or arm, and you are picturing the latest wearable technology advance from researchers at Stanford University. Professors in the school of engineering there have created a new type of polymer, or synthetic plastic material, that can light up. They used it to … Read more

Transforming the digital healthcare landscape – one step at a time – ET HealthWorld

transforming the digital healthcare landscape one step at a time

by Nandakumar K The COVID-19 pandemic has overhauled the dynamics of the caregiving industry – globally, and in India. Today, technology touches and influences the patient experience at every step. This trend was accentuated during the pandemic as healthcare delivery had to be reinvented across several parameters, including prudent allocation of available resources between both … Read more