Tamil Nadu government working on a audio-visual gaming and computer graphics policy

Tamil Nadu government working on a audio-visual gaming and computer graphics policy

Tamil Nadu government is actively working on a policy to support the Audio-Visual Gaming and Computer Graphics (AVGC) industry, which will be released shortly, DMK MLA T. R. B. Rajaa said at the Umagine 2023 event. “This will make the State an attractive destination for investors in this space,” he said at the valedictory function … Read more

Stan Swamy’s computer was hacked since 2014, says U.S. forensic firm

Stan Swamy’s computer was hacked since 2014, says U.S. forensic firm

Supportes of Fr. Stan Swamy lit up candles outside St. Peters Church where his funeral was held at Bandra in Mumbai. File | Photo Credit: The Hindu Late Father Stan Swamy’s computer was compromised by the same attacker who hacked the computers of co-accused Rona Wilson and Surendra Gadling in the Bhima Koregaon caste violence … Read more

Computer Models Could Be Next Step in Decoding the Brain

Computer Models Could Be Next Step in Decoding the Brain

Sept. 16, 2022 – All day long, your brain cells are sending and receiving messages through electrical and chemical signals. These messages help you do things like move your muscles and use your senses – as you taste your food, feel the heat coming off a stove, or read the words on this page. If … Read more

New computer model can help assess Covid impact, progression in detail – ET HealthWorld

New computer model can help assess Covid impact, progression in detail – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi, Scientists have developed an ultra-large scale computerised model of 1 million to 100 million individuals, closely representative of the Indian population, that they say can help assess the impact and progression of an infectious disease, including COVID-19, at the most granular level. The synthetic population model termed BharatSIM has been developed by using … Read more

New computer model shows best ways to slow COVID-19 spread – ET HealthWorld

new computer model shows best ways to slow covid 19 spread

Researchers in Canada have developed a computer model that simulates many variables affecting the transmission of COVID-19 to suggest the best ways to slow the spread of variants. The model created by researchers at the University of Waterloo takes raw data already in use to forecast case numbers and hospitalisations, and then adds other factors, … Read more

This Is How the World’s First Large-Scale Computer Functioned

ENIAC computer 1638188961236

During World War II, the US Army had to calculate complex ballistic tables and unpack wartime codes. They needed an all-electronic calculating machine to do the job at electronic speed. In 1942, physicist John Mauchly proposed a machine on these lines and they built the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, or the ENIAC, over the … Read more