Kerala Governor’s policy address: Forensic labs to be modernised to bolster investigations

Kerala Governor’s policy address: Forensic labs to be modernised to bolster investigations

The Kerala Police has made key advancements by various measures, including strengthening forensic science laboratories, establishing a dedicated Cyber Operations Wing, and successfully implementing the Student Police Cadet scheme, according to Governor Arif Mohammed Khan’s policy address. (image for representational purpose) | Photo Credit: PTI The Kerala government has proposed to establish a document division in … Read more

Stan Swamy’s computer was hacked since 2014, says U.S. forensic firm

Stan Swamy’s computer was hacked since 2014, says U.S. forensic firm

Supportes of Fr. Stan Swamy lit up candles outside St. Peters Church where his funeral was held at Bandra in Mumbai. File | Photo Credit: The Hindu Late Father Stan Swamy’s computer was compromised by the same attacker who hacked the computers of co-accused Rona Wilson and Surendra Gadling in the Bhima Koregaon caste violence … Read more