CDC to Recommend You Wear Better Masks as Omicron Spreads

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Jan. 12, 2022 — The CDC is preparing to update its COVID-19 mask recommendations to emphasize the use of N95 and KN95 masks that better filter the virus, Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, said Wednesday. “We are preparing an update to the info on our mask website to best reflect the options that are available to … Read more

Covid: South Africa new cases double in 24 hours as Omicron spreads

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The BBC’s Pumza Fihlani in South Africa’s biggest city, Johannesburg, says that restaurants and supermarkets remain packed, ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays. People are talking about the new variant – but so far there’s little panic and, according to scientists, there shouldn’t be. Source link

‘Superbug’ Fungus Spreads Among Vulnerable in Two U.S. Cities

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, July 23, 2021 (HealthDay News) — An untreatable “superbug” fungus is spreading in a Washington, D.C., nursing home and two Dallas-area hospitals, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. There were 101 candida auris cases at the nursing home and 22 cases at the hospitals from January … Read more

CDC Revises Website Info on How COVID-19 Spreads

May 10, 2021 — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday changed its website guidance on how coronavirus spreads, emphasizing that it’s mainly transmitted through the air, not on surfaces. “COVID-19 spreads when an infected person breathes out droplets and very small particles that contain the virus. These droplets and particles … Read more

India Covid-19: Deadly second wave spreads from cities to small towns

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India’s deadly Covid-19 second wave has devastated big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow and Pune. Hospitals and crematoriums have run out of space, and funerals are taking place in car parks. But the pandemic has now firmly gripped many smaller cities, towns and villages where the devastation is largely under-reported. Source link

U.S. Hits 20 Million Cases as COVID Variant Spreads

Jan. 1, 2021 — The United States started 2021 they way it ended 2020: Setting new records amidst the coronavirus pandemic. The country passed the 20 million mark for coronavirus cases on Friday, setting the mark sometime around noon, according to Johns Hopkins University’s COVID-19 tracker. The total is nearly twice as many as … Read more

Poll: Mask Wearing Declines Even as COVID Spreads

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By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Dec. 22, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Despite more Americans saying they know someone who’s been sickened or even died from COVID-19, there’s been a decline in the percentage who say they always wear a mask when they leave their home. Two-thirds (66%) of U.S. adults surveyed in … Read more