CDC to Recommend You Wear Better Masks as Omicron Spreads

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Jan. 12, 2022 — The CDC is preparing to update its COVID-19 mask recommendations to emphasize the use of N95 and KN95 masks that better filter the virus, Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, said Wednesday. “We are preparing an update to the info on our mask website to best reflect the options that are available to … Read more

Why You Should Ditch Your Cloth Masks for 3-Ply Surgical Masks, N95s

Dec. 29, 2021 — Are you still wearing a cloth face mask? Amid the rapidly spreading Omicron variant, experts stress that we all should swap cloth masks for N95 respirators or 3-ply surgical masks. For background: N95 respirators are tightly fitting masks that cover your mouth and nose and help prevent contact with droplets and … Read more

CDC: Proper Double-Masking Raises COVID Protection

Feb. 10, 2021 — Wearing a tight-fitting surgical mask, or doubling up on masks, can significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission and slow the spread of new, more contagious strains, according to a CDC report released Wednesday. Researchers found that if two people are both wearing surgical masks that are knotted and tucked flush to the … Read more